Technical Conference Programme

  1. Meeting Room 13
    480 mins
  2. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    360 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    570 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    75 mins
    • Opening / Closing Ceremony
  2. Exhibition Area (Halls 2-5)
    540 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    45 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    15 mins
    • Opening / Closing Ceremony
  1. Grand Ballroom
    60 mins
    • Special Sessions
    The world’s energy demand will continue to grow as populations rise globally, and the aspiration of the  Global South for a better life. The world energy system is undergoing a major transition, and f ...
  1. Grand Ballroom
    30 mins
  1. Atrium
    75 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    90 mins
    • Panel Sessions
    This session explores how artificial intelligence (AI) can accelerate the global energy transition by enhancing decision-making processes. AI applications in the oil and gas industry have shown signif ...
  2. Meeting Room 8
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  3. Meeting Room 9
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  4. Meeting Room 10
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  5. Meeting Room 11
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  6. Meeting Room 12
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  7. Meeting Room 14
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  8. 180 mins
    • Poster
    Knowledge Sharing Technical Conference ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, ...
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    570 mins
  1. Exhibition Area (Halls 2-5)
    540 mins
  2. Grand Ballroom
    60 mins
    • Plenary Session
    As environmental concerns, particularly those linked to climate change intensify societies face the dilemma of Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability. Energy companies are at the f ...
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Atrium
    90 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    90 mins
    • Panel Sessions
    The move to “decarbonizing” our global economy has created a massive shift in young people’s career selection. More and more universities have either changed the titles of their Petroleum Engineering ...
  2. Meeting Room 8
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  3. Meeting Room 9
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  4. Meeting Room 10
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  5. Meeting Room 11
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  6. Meeting Room 12
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  7. Meeting Room 14
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    90 mins
    • Panel Sessions
    As the global energy landscape shifts towards more sustainable and resilient solutions, the role of young professionals has never been more critical. This generation is uniquely positioned to harness ...
  2. Meeting Room 8
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  3. Meeting Room 9
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  4. Meeting Room 10
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  5. Meeting Room 11
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  6. Meeting Room 12
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  7. Meeting Room 14
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    360 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    90 mins
    • Panel Sessions
    As the world grapples with the urgent need to transition to sustainable energy sources, innovation in new energy technologies becomes critically imperative. This panel session will explore the latest ...
  2. Meeting Room 8
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  3. Meeting Room 9
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  4. Meeting Room 10
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  5. Meeting Room 11
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  6. Meeting Room 12
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  7. Meeting Room 14
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  1. Atrium
    60 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom
    30 mins
    • Opening / Closing Ceremony