Francisco Alhanati
Francisco had a 40‐year career in the Oil & Gas Industry.
He started as a producion engineer with Petrobras in Brazil, watching over the operation of oil wells, both onshore and offshore, which gave him good exposure to the operational aspects of all main Artificial Lift methods.
After moving to the Petrobras R&D Center in Rio, he was involved in projects related to gas‐lift design and troubleshooting methodologies for subsea wells, the implementation of the first subsea ESP system, as well as the evaluation of novel subsea separation and boosting systems.
Francisco moved to Canada and joined C‐FER Technologies in 1997. There, he was actively involved in launching the ESP‐RIFTS JIP in 1999, and in many of the project technical activities since then. He was also a technical advisor to projects related to developing new modules for the PC‐PUMP software, and the laboratory qualification of high‐temperature ESP systems for SAGD applications, among many others.
While still with Petrobras in the early 90’s, he was a vising professor at Unicamp in Brazil, where he taught graduate courses on Artificial Lift and supervised MSc thesis on continuos gas‐lift design methodologies, application envelopes for intermittent gas‐lift variants, sucker‐rod system design in deviated wells, and jetpump performance in multiphase conditions. While with C‐FER, he taught many short courses, around the world, on ESP and PCP technology and reliability.