UR - Enhanced Oil Recovery
Wednesday, 12 March
Percheron H-I
Technical and Invited Presenter
Session Chairpersons
1500-1530 224004Enhancing Well Productivity by Adding Nanofluid to Fracturing Water: A Cardium Case Study
1530-1600 223987Evaluation of Continuous Fluid Injection and Wag Techniques for Enhanced Oil Recovery in a Tight Oil Reservoir in Alberta, Canada
1600-1630 223983Evaluation of Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential of the Montney Shale via the Super Eor and Ultra EOR Processes
Alternate 223995Numerical Simulation of Huff-and-Puff Gas Injection in Shale Reservoirs Using an Integrated Model of Geomechanics and Multiporosity Fluid Flow
Alternate 223984Using Visual Aids to Clarify the Matrix-Fracture Fluid Interaction in Enhanced Unconventional Oil and Gas Recovery with Chemical Additives