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SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition
12 - 13 Mar 2025 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada
BMO Centre at Stampede Park | Calgary Convention Centre

Schedule of Events

Connect with Canada's Dynamic Energy Community

12 March 2025

0700 - 1700 Conference Badge Pick-Up Location TBD
0700 - 0800 Networking Breakfast Location TBD
0800 - 0830 Welcome and Opening Address Location TBD
0830 - 0930 Keynote Session Location TBD
0930 - 1000 Exhibition Location TBD
0930 - 1000 Coffee Break Location TBD
0930 - 1000 Knowledge Sharing ePosters Location TBD
1000 - 1130 Technical Sessions Location TBD
1130 - 1300 Keynote Lunch  Location TBD
1130 - 1300 Knowledge Sharing ePosters Location TBD
1300 - 1430 Technical Sessions Location TBD
1430 - 1800 Exhibition Location TBD
1430 - 1500 Coffee Break  Location TBD
1430 - 1500 Knowledge Sharing ePosters Location TBD
1500 - 1630 Technical Sessions  Location TBD
1630 - 1800 Networking Reception Location TBD


13 March 2025

0700 - 1600 Conference Badge Pick-Up Location TBD
0700 - 0800 Networking Breakfast Location TBD
0800 - 0930 Plenary Session - Market Updates Location TBD
0900 - 1000 Exhibition Location TBD
0930 - 1000 Coffee Break Location TBD
0930 - 1000 Knowledge Sharing ePosters Location TBD
1000 - 1130 Technical Sessions Location TBD
1130 - 1300 Networking Lunch Location TBD
1130 - 1300 Knowledge Sharing ePosters Location TBD
1300 - 1430 Technical Sessions Location TBD
1430 - 1500 Exhibition Location TBD
1430 - 1500 Coffee Break  Location TBD
1430 - 1500 Knowledge Sharing ePosters Location TBD
1500 - 1630 Technical Sessions Location TBD