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SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference
25–27 March 2025 | Galveston Island Convention Center | Galveston, TX

Industry Insights

SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference

Industry Insights

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Featured JPT Articles

Simulation grid for a two-well RGNet model. 

Hybrid Approach Proves Effective in Multiwell Forecasting in Unconventionals

The authors of this paper propose a hybrid approach that combines physics with data-driven approaches for efficient and accurate forecasting of the performance of unconventional wells under codevelopment.


Fig. 1—Full-field model and wellbore model coupling. The top plot is the full-field reservoir model with 12 wells; the bottom plot is the detailed half-well model. A full-field model can be coupled with multiple wellbore models. 

Poromechanics Modeling Forecasts Production, Analyzes Productivity Decline

This paper describes a full-field and near-wellbore poromechanics coupling scheme used to model productivity-index degradation against time.


MS Conceptual reactive rock reservoir model populated with the heterogeneous permeability values (10 – 100 mD), cylindrical view.

Deep-Learning Framework Forecasts Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Mineralization

This paper develops a deep-learning work flow that can predict the changes in carbon dioxide mineralization over time and space in saline aquifers, offering a more-efficient approach compared with traditional physics-based simulations.


Latest News on Reservoir

SPE Live Distinguished Lecturer Series:
Transforming How to Evaluate Wells and Unlock Reserves - Deep Transient Testing

SPE Live Distinguished Lecturer Series: Transforming How to Evaluate Wells and Unlock Reserves - Deep Transient Testing Featured Image

Dynamic data, acquired using wireline formation testing or well testing techniques, are used by operators to address uncertainties associated with reserve estimates and productivity, while rationalizing field development and production costs. However, these evaluation techniques provide dynamic data at different length scales, and with different environmental footprint, cost, and operational constraints.


Reservoir Simulation Training Course

Upon completion of this module, the participant should be able to define reservoir simulation objectives, define simulator geometry and dimensions, and assign flow equations to the proposed model, define simulator grid and boundary conditions, compile reservoir model input parameters, develop finite-difference approximations to solve the flow equations, plan numerical simulation computer runs and interpret the results, and use simulation results to determine the optimum exploitation scheme.


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