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SPE Forum: Accelerating the Adoption of Digital to Transform Drilling and Wells
8–11 October 2024 | Montgomery, Texas

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SPE Forum: Accelerating the Adoption of Digital to Transform Drilling and Wells
8–11 October 2024 | Montgomery, Texas

Discussion Leader Tool Kit

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Discussion Leader Tool Kit

Discussion Leader/Session Manager Tool Kit

Contact Information

SPE Staff Liaison
Email: Gail Smith
Phone: +1.972.952.1159

Upcoming Deadlines

Item Due Date Submit To Comments/Notes 
Discussion Leader Overview

Monday, 16 September

Click here to select your training session Training sessions are available from 23 July - 16 September
Questions and Answers for online polling At least 4 Business Days before your session SPE Staff Liaison by email If you plan to use Q&A during your participation 

Your slide deck 

At least 4 Business Days before your session Session Manager by email For review and approval
Your approved slide deck At least 4 Business Days before your session

24FUS3 – SPE online portal

Save file as: Session #, Last Name
PowerPoint Slides (ppt)     Using the SPE Forum PowerPoint slide template is not mandatory. If you use your own template, use
  • your company logo only once – on the first or last slide
  • simple, Microsoft fonts rather than any proprietary font

Upcoming Deadlines for Session Managers

Item Due Date Submit To Comments/Notes 
Breakout room needs

Thursday, 5 September

SPE Staff Liaison by email Flipcharts will be provided


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