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SPE International Health, Safety, Environment, and
Sustainability Conference and Exhibition

10–12 September 2024 | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Ismaeel Husain

Ismaeel Husain

Senior Manager Health and Safety (Seconded from Bapco Energies) , IOGP

Dr. Ismaeel Husain

Senior Health and Safety Manager (seconded from Bahrain Petroleum Company)

International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP)

Ismaeel has more 20 years of experience in safety and occupational hygiene management, organisational culture, process safety, vocational training, competency assessment and decision making.

He participated as a speaker, panelist, panel discussion moderator and conference steering committee member in more than 70 national and international conferences. His research interests include human and organisational performance, organising, culture studies, chronic unease, sensemaking and normalising of deviance.

Ismaeel is a marine engineer graduated from Southampton Solent University, holds a Master Degree in environment, health and safety from Sunderland University and a Doctorate Degree from Bradford Business School, University of Bradford.
