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2025 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition
4–6 February 2025
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center | The Woodlands, Texas, USA


Case Histories: Completions Optimization in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs

Wednesday, 7 February
Waterway Ballroom 5-8
Learnings and best practices sharing from integrated pilots and studies to optimize hydraulic fracture and completion design for improved performance and field development. This session will cover hydraulic fracturing case histories from deepwater and multiple domestic and international unconventional basins.
Amit Singh, Invited Presenter - Chevron
John Lassek - Hess Corp.
  • 1400-1445 217802
    Fracturing 30,000 Ft Wells in Deepwater, Planning and Execution Learnings from the Gulf of Mexico
    K.F. Lizak, Y. Zhang, Shell
  • 1445-1510 217811
    Optimizing Stage Lengths by Leveraging Fracture Interference
    E. Rodgers, T. Williams, D. Rittenburg, PDC Energy; M. Lawrence, Ziebel an Archer Company
  • 1510-1535 217826
    Updating the Field Development Practices After the Acquisition of an Asset, an Eagle Ford Case Study
    S. Pichon, Repsol E&P USA Inc
  • 1615-1640 217785
    Improving Stage Isolation in Vaca Muerta Wells through Observations from an Integrated Fiber Optic Pilot
    A.A. Savitski, B. Lock, F. Todea, P.G. Fita, G. Formento, H.I. Al Lawati, S. Mondal, Shell; G. Ugueto, Shell (Retired)
  • 1640-1705 217803
    Performance Redefined: A Business-Centric Approach to Assessing Hydraulic Fracturing Execution
    D. Mogck, J. Doucette, Halliburton
  • 1705-1730 217789
    Calibration of Continuous Wavelet Transform for Dynamic Hydraulic Fracture Propagation with Micro-Seismic Data: Field Investigation
    M. A.Gabry, University of Houston; A. Gharieb, Apache Corp.; M. Y. Soliman, University Of Houston; C. Cipolla, Hess Corp.; S. Farouq Ali, I. Eltaleb, University of Houston
  • Alternate 217779
    A Successful Acid Fracturing Treatment in Asphaltene Problematic Reservoir, Burgan Oilfield Kuwait
    A. Al-Shammari, S. Sinha, Kuwait Oil Company; B. Sheikh, A. Youssef, NAPESCO; C. Jimenez, F. Al-Mahmeed, A. Al-shamali, Kuwait Oil Company