Knowledge Sharing ePoster - Station 1 - Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Tuesday, 29 October
Foyer Area
Knowledge Sharing Technical Conference ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consistent with the other technical sessions.
0230-0245 221528The Discrete-Imitational Modeling of the Pump-Well-Reservoir System with A Intermittent Sucker-Rod Pumping
0245-0300 221557Safety First Best Practices in ESP Project Management for HSE Excellence
0400-0415 221564Using Rolling Survivability and MTTF for Tracking the ESP Performance and Reliability and Identify Promptly the Continuous Improvement Plans
0415-0430 221570Numerical Method Implementation to Determine the Volumetric Expansion of Dielectric Oil through the Motor and Protectors Configurations in Esp Systems