Knowledge Sharing ePoster - Station 2 - Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Wednesday, 30 October
Foyer Area
Knowledge Sharing Technical Conference ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consistent with the other technical sessions.
0930-0945 221561Ultra-High-Speed Applications: Stepping Beyond Traditional Approach
0215-0230 221541Historical Case of Offshore Application of Booster Esp in Wells with Heavy Oil and High Percentage of H2S and Co2
0230-0245 221558Shale Gas Field Production Optimisation Decision Making and Intelligent Dewater Production Technology
0415-0430 221519Jet Pump Kick-off: A Sustainable Approach for Wells Compared to Nitrogen Lifting
0430-0445 221551Understanding the Cause of Impeller Breakdown in ESP Gas Handlers