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Drilling, Completions, and Cementing

Wednesday, 9 April
Grand Hall B
Technical Session
In a field that spans more than 100 years, studies continue to show the innovations that can be made in the fluids used in drilling, cementing, and completion of new wells. This session showcases technology advances in the analysis and chemistry of these fluids, including drilling mud optimization and damage removal; applications of microfluidics; advanced analysis of clay hydration; and computation methodologies for these systems.
Session Chairpersons
Sam Lewis - Halliburton Cementing
Michael Fuller - Chevron ETC
  • 1330-1400 224257
    Hydration State of Montmorillonites and Its Effect on Swelling Behavior
    I. Ivanishin, W. He, SLB
  • 1400-1430 224272
    Leveraging Machine Learning And X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry For Elemental Analysis Of Pozzolanic Materials
    Y. Gao, J. Wang, D. Willberg, C. Lai, S. Makarychev-Mikhailov, SLB
  • 1430-1500 224229
    Microfluidics - A New Tool to Differentiate Chemistry For Fracs - Functional Frac Performance vs Reservoir Performance
    S. Liu, Y. Li, Select Chemistry; A. Abedini, Interface Fluidics Limited
  • 1530-1600 224228
    A Novel Method for Investigating the Solidification Behavior and Mechanisms of Chemical Plugging Materials Based on Molecular Simulation
    H. Dong, China University of Petroleum Beijing
  • 1600-1630 224236
    Innovative Multifunctional Chemistry to Remove Oil Based Mud Filter Cake and Remediate Near Wellbore Damage Producing Wells After Well Communication
    R. Morales, Revive Energy Solutions
  • 1630-1700 224260
    Sustainable Two-in-one Fluid System For Drilling And Cementing Processes
    G. Jian, A. Santra, K. Johnson, Aramco Americas
  • Alternate 224320
    New Acid Systems for Removing Filter Cakes Containing Manganese Tetraoxide as Non-Carbonate Weighting Agent
    M. Al Bagoury, Elkem Silicon Products

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Add a Training Course When you Register to Enhance Your Conference Experience

📅 Date: April 8, 2025  📍Galveston, Texas, USA 

Course 1 - Flow Assurance: Dive deep into flow assurance with a comprehensive exploration of its principles, challenges, and solutions. Learn about advanced technologies, industry-proven workflows, and strategies for characterizing and managing flow dynamics and production chemistry.

Course 2 - Understanding Inorganic Scaling: Gain essential insights into inorganic scaling, exploring various types and methods for control. Field examples will illustrate crucial strategies and management techniques.

📝 Gain CEU/PDH credits, network with experts, and elevate your skills.