Flow Assurance - Modeling and Kinetics
Thursday, 10 April
Grand Hall A
Technical Session
Effective flow assurance is an essential of oilfield production operations, as it ensures the continuous production and transport of oil and gas from reservoir to plant. This session presents the modeling and kinetics studies on different flow assurance challenges, including scale, asphaltene, and H2S scavenging. With more accurate modeling and prediction, flow assurance issues can be further prevented and better controlled.
0830-0900 224243An Experimental and Modelling Study of H2S Scavenging in Calcite/Iron-Bearing Formations
0900-0930 224301A Rapid, Accurate and Innovative Headspace Gas Sampling Alternative in the Ubiquitous Field Based H2S Scavenger Bottle Test Methodology for Sour Fluids.
0930-1000 224269Root Cause Analysis of Calcite Scale Deposition in Gas Wells Using Rigorous Scale Predictions and Kinetics of Scale Formation
1030-1100 224296Regression of Dynamic Tube Blocking Test Data to Study the Kinetics of Calcite Scale Precipitation and Inhibition
1100-1130 224250Optimization of Injection Brine Composition and Impact of Geochemical Reactivity to Reduce Mineral Scaling Risk
1130-1200 224289Work of Adhesion Concept to Predict Asphaltene Stability in Crude Oil
Alternate 224288Laboratory Qualification of Induced Mineral Scale Barrier Technology for Zonal Isolation Application in a Northern North Sea Field
Alternate 224240An Enhanced Synergistic Effect on Increasing Sweeping Efficiency in Surfactant-Polymer Flooding