Grand Hall A210 mins
- Technical Session
This session highlights recent progress in the fundamental understanding of inorganic scale prediction, deposition, and inhibition, through computational modelling. We highlight application of new tec ... -
Grand Hall B210 mins
- Technical Session
This session will focus on understanding the complex interactions between physicochemical and microbiological factors for ensuring asset integrity. Novel screening methods will be presented that can p ... -
Grand Hall C210 mins
- Technical Session
This session focuses on understanding the most recent advancement in fracturing fluid chemistry to improve performance at field high-temperature conditions. Lab and field results will be presented for ...
Grand Hall A210 mins
- Technical Session
Inorganic scale inhibition is a key area in maintaining production. In this session a range of advances in this area are presented; from the improved understanding of scale inhibitor chemistries to tr ... -
Grand Hall B210 mins
- Technical Session
In a field that spans more than 100 years, studies continue to show the innovations that can be made in the fluids used in drilling, cementing, and completion of new wells. This session showcases tech ... -
Grand Hall C210 mins
- Technical Session
With oil and gas production yielding significant amounts of produced water, innovative management solutions are crucial for overcoming both environmental and operational hurdles. This session will hig ...
Grand Hall A210 mins
- Technical Session
Effective flow assurance is an essential of oilfield production operations, as it ensures the continuous production and transport of oil and gas from reservoir to plant. This session presents the mode ... -
Grand Hall B210 mins
- Technical Session
Geological storage of CO2 is expected to play a major role in mitigating the effects of rising CO2 emissions. This session will include several papers on mineralization in reactive rock formations as ... -
Grand Hall C210 mins
- Technical Session
Organic deposits typically comprise paraffins and asphaltenes and can significantly affect well productivity to the point of shutting down crude oil production. Chemical solutions to prevent and remed ...
Grand Hall A210 mins
- Technical Session
Flow Assurance refers to methods applied to maintain well productivity that may otherwise be impaired by phenomena such as scale formation, microbial activity, emulsions, etc. This session features a ... -
Grand Hall B210 mins
- Technical Session
In recent years, well stimulation has expanded beyond simple acidizing operations and now comprises a variety of reactive methods to dissolve or bypass damage. In this session, highlights in reactive ... -
Grand Hall C210 mins
- Technical Session
This session explores cutting-edge technologies to maximize hydrocarbon recovery as well as enhance subsurface hydrogen storage. This session covers a wide range of EOR research areas including polyme ...