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SPE Oilfield Scale Symposium 
5 - 6 June 2024 | The Aberdeen Altens Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland

Author Kit

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Author Kit

Contact Info



Annie Nagem, Technical Programmes Manager

Phone: +44 (0) 208 078 6722

Forms and Deadlines


Authors need to acknowledge their acceptance to present at the conference

Due Date

15 November 2023

Submit to

5 February 2024

Email draft manuscripts to session chairpersons
Session chairs to share their feedback/comment with authors on the draft manuscript

23 February 2024

Remarks/feedback to author’s email

4 March 2024

4 March 2024

4 March 2024

Authors registration deadline

4 April 2024

Register via the website

7 May 2024

Draft presentation: Email session chairpersons
Session chairs to share their feedback/comment with the author on the draft ppt presentation

15 May 2024

Remarks/feedback on the shared file to author’s email

22 May 2024

Individual links will be sent to the author

22 May 2024

Manuscript Information

  • Please ensure you allow enough time for your manuscript to be approved by senior management/stakeholders.
  • Your session chairpersons will be reviewing a DRAFT of your manuscript. This is to improve the quality of the technical program and avoid any commercialism. The deadline for submitting your DRAFT Manuscript to your session chairperson is 5 February 2024.
  • DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR DRAFT INTO THE ONLINE SYSTEM. Send directly to your session chairpersons. They will review and if applicable, advise you of any revisions to make before submitting your FINAL manuscript and forms online on or before the Manuscript deadline of Monday, 4 March 2024.
  • Oral and Alternate Authors: Please bring the final version of the presentation with you to the conference on a USB drive for uploading at the Speaker Check-In Area.
  • When you arrive at the venue, please report to an SPE staff member at the Speaker Check-In to confirm your participation at your scheduled time.
  • We ask that all Authors of Posters / Alternate papers to be prepared to fill in during a technical session should there be a no-show or late withdraw.

Poster Preparation Information

If you are preparing a hard copy Poster Presentation, please read this document carefully: Poster Guidelines

Gold Sponsor




Silver Sponsors




OLI systems



Coffee Breaks Sponsor

  Herriot Watt University