25 EOR/IOR: CO2 Injection
Tuesday, 13 May
Meeting Room 8
Technical Session
Session Chairpersons
1530-1550 225039Co2 EOR Pilot in Tight and Thin Carbonate Reservoir in The Sultanate of Oman: Results and Interpretation
1550-1610 225041Experimental Investigation The Synergistic Effect Of Meg With Salts On CO2Hydrate Remediation/inhibition In Porous Media Using Medical Ct Scan And Micromodel
1630-1650 225058Key Insights Of Polymer-alternating-gas CO2 Injection From Pore To Field-scaled Study
Alternate 225022Experimental And Machine-learning-assisted Modeling Of CO2-Saturated Brine Injection Performance: Critical Insights Into Geochemical Interactions, Oil Recovery, And CO2 Utilization Efficiency
Alternate 225005High Pressure Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Cyclic Injection In Low Permeability Shale For Oil Mobility Improvement Through Oil Swelling With Asphaltene Stabilization
Alternate 225008Overcoming Operational Challenges In Mobile Nitrogen Generator Units For Crude Oil Extraction In S1 Outstation Locations