37 EOR/IOR: Simulation Modelling for Enhanced Water Flooding
Wednesday, 14 May
Meeting Room 8
Technical Session
Session Chairpersons
1100-1120 225111Predictive Modeling For Optimal Gel Treatment Design In Brownfields Using Ensemble Machine Learning And Data Upsampling Via Generative AI
1120-1140 225210Geological-driven Reservoir Simulation For The Hybrid Gas Eor: A Case Study From The Largest Onshore Oil Field In Thailand
1200-1220 225150Integrating Surveillance Data into a Successful Modelling of Polymer Flood Pilot in a High Salinity and Sour Reservoir: Challenges and Approach
Alternate 225097Investigation Of Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Development In Northern Oman Through Dynamic Modelling
Alternate 225114Evaluating The Performance And Feature Importance Of Machine Learning Models For Oil Formation Volume Factor Estimation