17 Gas Development: Unconventional and Tight Gas Hydraulic Fracturing
Tuesday, 13 May
Meeting Room 12
Technical Session
1030-1050 224939Strategic Methodology To Unlock Hydrocarbon Volumes Thru Additional Stimulation: Opportunities From Oman Tight Gas Fields
1050-1110 224997Unveiling Of Multi Stage Fracturing Sleeves Opening Signatures: Resolving Uncertainty Via Pattern Classification And Innovative Data Acquisition
1110-1130 224986Lessons Learned From A Successful Hydraulic Fracturing And Stimulation Treatments In Deep Gas Clastic And Carbonate Reservoirs. Offshore Field - Abu Dhabi.
1130-1150 224927Integrated Classical Reservoir Engineering Method To Evaluate The Effect Of Well Interference In A Tight Gas, Unconventional Reservoir At The Khazzan Gas Field In The Sultanate Of Oman
Alternate 224943Shale Gas Three-dimensional Development Adjustment Workflow Based On Dynamic Changes Of Geostress And Artificial Intelligence Algorithm To Achieve Efficient Shale Gas Extraction
Alternate 224942Novel Emulsion-Based Fracturing Fluid For In-Situ Thermal Shock To Facilitate Hydraulic Fracturing In Unconventional Geothermal Reservoirs
Alternate 224975Successfully Optimizing Hydraulic Fracture Design And Execution For An Exploration And Appraisal Program In Central Oman
Alternate 225003A Novel Plug & Perf Hydraulic Fracturing Approach for Unlocking Reservoir Potential and Addressing Completion Deformation in Gas Reservoirs