52 Knowledge Sharing ePoster
Monday, 12 May
Knowledge Sharing Technical Conference ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consistent with the other technical sessions.
1415-1430 225230Evaluation Of Rock-fluid Interfacial Tension Inorganic Hydrogen Carriers For Geological Hydrogen Storage Applications
1445-1500 225234Development Of A Novel Low-cost Fly Ash-based Environmentally Friendly Cementing Material For Waste Material Recycling And Sustainable Economy
1500-1515 225236Toward Hydrogen Storage and Transportation over Long Distances via Dehydrogenation of the Cyclo-based Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier in the Presence of the PdO/Al2O3
1515-1530 225232The Evolution Of Perforation Techniques Over Time: An Overview
1530-1545 225231Solvent-induced Organicadsorption Variations In Calcite/h2/brine Systems: Implications Forunderground Hydrogen Storage
1545-1600 225233Novel High-Performance Low Carbon Footprint Cement-Free Geopolymer System For Carbon Capture And Sequestration Wells
1600-1615 225228Non-invasive Temperate Technology