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  1. Foyer Level 6A
    50 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom I &II, Level 6A
    10 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom I &II, Level 6A
    45 mins
    • Opening
  1. Grand Ballroom I &II, Level 6A
    60 mins
    • Executive Plenary Session

    Collaborative decommissioning in the oil and gas industry involves a wide range of stakeholders including governments, regulators, financiers, operators, industry players and environmental agencies that work together to find the optimal balance between technical feasibility, environmental impact, and social well-being.

    Key focuses include environmental and biodiversity impact, waste management, regulatory compliance, technical feasibility, and social impact.  Leveraging technology may lead to safer operations, enhanced efficiencies, and cost compression in decommissioning execution. While long-term planning integrates proactive stakeholder engagement and community involvement, fostering inclusive decision-making.  From a regional perspective, cross-border collaborations and synergies will ensure continuous decommissioning campaigns that reduce competition for resources.  A harmonised regional understanding and approach to decommissioning can also benefit all involved.

    This session will feature senior industry leaders discussing critical aspects of responsibly managing assets during the decommissioning phase.  Knowledge sharing and capacity building play pivotal roles in continuous improvement and readiness to address risks effectively. While a review of milestones achieved over the previous five editions of this symposium would enable celebrations of successes and solutioning of areas for improvement.

  1. Foyer Level 6A
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom I &II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Panel Session

    Over the past 20 to 30 years, the policies and regulations governing decommissioning and abandonment (D&A) have undergone significant changes. As global energy landscapes evolve, governments and regulatory bodies are continually revisiting and reformulating frameworks to address the environmental, economic, and social impacts associated with D&A. Key drivers for these changes include the need to enhance safety standards, mitigate environmental risks, and manage liabilities.

    This session will explore the dynamic evolution of decommissioning policies and regulations, with a focus on trends towards sustainability and responsible resource management. It will examine the integration of advanced technologies and innovative practices aimed at streamlining decommissioning processes while minimising environmental impacts (or even resulting in a net positive impact to the environment). Additionally, the session will highlight the importance of collaboration and regulatory alignment in fostering efficient and transparent D&A strategies. Panellists will discuss diverse approaches and emerging best practices in D&A policies, concluding with insights into future directions and the industry’s commitment to achieving operational excellence and environmental stewardship through adaptive policy frameworks.

  1. Grand Ballroom III, Level 6A
    75 mins
  1. Foyer Level 6A
    30 mins
    • Knowledge Sharing ePoster
  1. Grand Ballroom I, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  2. Grand Ballroom II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  1. Foyer Level 6A
    30 mins
    • Knowledge Sharing ePoster
  1. Grand Ballroom I, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  2. Grand Ballroom II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  1. Foyer Level 6A
    60 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom I &II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Panel Session

    The ESG landscape in oil and gas decommissioning and abandonment (D&A) is continuously evolving. Recent developments in industry initiatives and regulatory frameworks aim to pursue sustainable development goals (SDGs), protect the environment, enhance community engagement, and promote ethical governance.

    This panel session will address key topics such as the evolution of environmental impact assessments, contributions to socio-economies, and governance structures, including updates to multi-criteria decision analyses (MCDA) that prioritise transparency and accountability. It will explore innovative ESG strategies and their impacts on operational efficiency and stakeholder management. The session aims to provide perspectives on integrating contributions to SDGs and ESG principles into D&A strategies and execution.

  1. Foyer Level 6A
    30 mins
    • Knowledge Sharing ePoster
  1. Grand Ballroom I &II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Panel Session

    Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas infrastructure presents a significant  challenge that demands technological and innovative solutions. These solutions are crucial for enhancing cost efficient in decommissioning execution while upholding the highest standards of safety and environmental preservation.

    Among the challenges faced in decommissioning execution are operational complexities and stringent regulatory demands. Addressing these challenges necessitates the integration of state-of-the-art technologies and innovative approaches within the industry. The adoption of such technologies is instrumental in driving significant enhancements in project timelines, cost compression, and ensuring strict adherence to regulatory requirements. 

    By harnessing technology and innovative solutions, the industry is expected to effectively manage the complexities of the decommissioning execution, while contributing positively to sustainable practices and achieving excellent project delivery. 

    In this panel session, industry experts will discuss the challenges and the implementation of technology and innovative solutions that facilitate decommissioning execution efficiency. 

  1. Grand Ballroom III, Level 6A
    90 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom I, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Panel Session

    Talent development is critical for the future of oil and gas decommissioning and abandonment (D&A), inclusive of both wells plug and abandonment (P&A) and facilities decommissioning, to ensure ongoing expertise and capability across the industry. Strategies for building a workforce with the right skills to effectively manage complex D&A projects are essential for ensuring On-Time, On-Budget, On-Scope (OTOBOS) projects.

    This session will explore training programmess, knowledge transfer initiatives, and partnerships between industry, academia and governments, aimed at enhancing capabilities in D&A planning, engineering, effective execution and regulatory compliance. Successful talent development models will be highlighted, emphasising the importance of continuous learning and professional development in addressing current and future D&A challenges. Creating a talent pool is essential to ensuring that the ecosystem for D&A is well maintained. Therefore, the right skill sets need to be identified and embedded in the education system as early as possible.

  2. Grand Ballroom II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  1. Foyer Level 6A
    30 mins
    • Knowledge Sharing ePoster
  1. Grand Ballroom I, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session
  2. Grand Ballroom II, Level 6A
    90 mins
    • Technical Session