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Message from Symposium Advisors

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Message from Symposium Advisors

Dear Industry Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to the SPE Symposium on Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Based Fuels: Unleashing the Potential of Low-Carbon Hydrogen: Innovation, Infrastructure, and Implementation, taking place on 11–12 June 2025 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Hydrogen, hailed as one of the cleanest energy sources available, holds immense promise in driving the transition towards a sustainable future. However, challenges such as high production costs and infrastructure development hinder its widespread adoption. Despite this, Indonesia and other countries in the region recognise hydrogen’s potential and have made substantial investments to become key hydrogen players.

This symposium will explore the game-changing potential of hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuel applications and strategies as the industry advances on its journey to harness the true power of hydrogen, driving the transition towards cleaner energy sources.

This event will bring together industry leaders, regulators, business professionals, and subject matter experts to share insights, best practices, and the latest in strategic developments and technology. It will facilitate strategic and technical discussions, deepening the understanding of the hydrogen landscape, and providing collaborative and networking opportunities.

We encourage efforts and collaboration of our industry and its leaders to support this inclusive opportunity by sponsoring or exhibiting to enhance this impactful event. Income from this programme is re-invested back into the industry’s non-profit society to continue to advance the dissemination of technical knowledge and energy education.

We thank you in advance and look forward to welcoming you to Jakarta.

Henricus Herwin
Henricus Herwin
Senior Vice President, Strategy & Investment
Fadli Rahman
Fadli Rahman
Director, Strategic Planning & Business Development
PT Pertamina New & Renewable Energy