Session 3: Well Delivery Life Cycle Planning
This session will explore novel and innovative digital applications of now-ubiquitous data supply across the whole well delivery lifecycle, from technical and logistical planning, through safe right-first-time construction, to efficient learnings and experience growth.
Pre-drill - how can AI and other digital solutions fine-tune drilling programs, set accurate budgets, and manage required inventory and resources.
While drilling - how surface and downhole measurement can predict and pre-empt equipment, geological, and hole condition dysfunction while populating closed-loop automated process control.
Post-well - how can disparate objective and subjective datasets from static, dynamic, and human sources be collated into sophisticated metrics to drive continuous improvement at scale.
Primary | 15:30 – 15:50 | Methods of Using Machine Learning in Target Days Estimation for Improved Efficiency in Drilling Operations Beshir Aman, Aramco |
Primary | 15:50 – 16:10 | Revolutionizing Drilling: Leveraging Cloud-Edge Rig Action Plan Integration for Optimal Well Cycles and Crew Efficiency Binu Varghese / Tatiana Borges, Nabors |
Primary | 16:10 – 16:30 | Towards Efficient Drilling: Leveraging Machine Learning and Data Lakehouse Platform for Unconfined Compressive Strength Prediction Farit Rakhmangulov, Halliburton |
Primary | 16:30 – 16:50 | PAD Multiple Wells Automated Design Using Cloud Based Software Mohamed Ali Hassan, Oliasoft |