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SPE Symposium: Drilling Efficiency and Sustainability Through Digital Transformation
3–4 December 2024 | Grand Hyatt, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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Session 5: Revolutionising the Depths: Emerging Digital Technologies in Well Construction

Wednesday, 4 December
Technical Sessions

This session is aimed at exploring the most recent and innovative technologies transforming the drilling industry, which includes an in-depth analysis of local cloud solutions for data management in drilling that revolutionises the way data is stored, accessed, and utilised. The session also delves into the necessary infrastructure to host these cutting-edge drilling automation solutions. It offers insights into the application of generative AI in drilling planning, demonstrating how it streamlines the design and execution of drilling and completions operations. The potential of blockchain technology in enhancing security and efficiency within drilling operations is another key focus area. Deployment of AI/ML technologies in drilling and completions operations, showcasing how these advanced tools can optimise processes, enhance productivity, and reduce footage cost are other topics of discussion. Attendees can expect a rich blend of presentations, discussions, and interactive sessions that offer deep insights and practical knowledge of these emerging technologies.

Primary 12:00 – 12:20 An automated solution for spatial mud weight prediction in presence of overpressure zones
Nikita Bukhanov, Aramco
Primary 12:20 – 12:40 Digital Rig Security AI-Powered Surveillance for Enhanced Safety Automation
Wahid Shaikh, Weatherford
Primary 12:40 – 13:00 Real-Time Solution For Down Hole Torue Estimation and Drilling Optimization In High Deviated Wells Using Artificial Intelligence
Mahmoud Elzenary, ARO Drilling 
Primary 13:00 – 13:20 Expanding the value proposition of automated drilling control; closing the loop with the subsurface
Alaa Alalawi, Baker Hughes
Alternate   Optimizing Rig Move Duration Estimation Using Artificial Intelligence
Abdulrahman Almulhim, Aramco
Alternate   Web-Based Automated Well Construction Schedule
Airat Yarullin, Kazan Federal University
Alternate   New Technology to Evaluate Equivalent Circulating Density While Drilling Using Artificial Intelligence
Mahmoud Elzenary, ARO Drilling


Majed Al-Zahrani, Drilling Systems Consultant - Aramco
Wael Ziadat, VP of Middle East & North Africa - Corva
Nikita Bukhanov, Data Scientist - Aramco
Wahid Shaikh, Center of Excellence Global Product Manager - Weatherford
Mahmoud Elzenary, Senior Manager, Operation Integrity & Efficiency - ARO Drilling
Alaa Alalawi, General Field Engineer - Drilling Optimization and Technical Support - Baker Hughes

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