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Knowledge Sharing ePosters IV

Tuesday, 25 March
Station 4, Waterway 4 B
Knowledge Sharing ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consistent with the other technical sessions.
Session Chairpersons
Eddie Valverde - Emerald Surf Sciences
  • 0940-0955 224109
    Case History of Coiled Tubing Wellbore Scale Removal and Acidizing in High Temperature Geothermal Steam Producer Well with Fast Temperature Build Up Using Modified Acid Pumping Technique
    H. Arstianti, R. Wijaya, A. Cahyono, D. Rochman, A. Terry, K. Rahimov, Baker Hughes
  • 0955-1010 224046
    Stuck Coiled Tubing? Effective Techniques to Free the Pipe and Lessons Learned from Various Case Histories
    S. Craig, S. Chishti, A. Terry, T. Ramsey, Baker Hughes
Enhance Your Expertise: Advanced Coiled Tubing Engineering Training Course

Enhance Your Expertise: Advanced Coiled Tubing Engineering Training Course

πŸ“… Monday, 24 March 2025    πŸ“The Woodlands, Texas, USA     πŸ‘¨‍🏫 Instructor: Todd Green

Overview: Start with coiled tubing basics, then explore advanced topics like job design, safety, and specific interventions such as nitrogen lifting and proppant cleanout. Key learning points:

  • Understand CT Equipment
  • Plan and Execute Interventions
  • Manage Risks
  • Apply Best Practices
  • Gain CEU/PDH credits, network with experts, and elevate your skills.