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SPE/WIA Workshop: Risk and Resilience – Meeting the Dynamic Needs of Well Integrity and Decommissioning
27–29 May 2024 | Coast Canmore Hotel & Conference Centre | Canmore, Canada


SPE/WIA Workshop: Risk and Resilience – Meeting the Dynamic Needs of Well Integrity and Decommissioning
27–29 May 2024 | Coast Canmore Hotel & Conference Centre | Canmore, Canada

Technical Sessions

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Session 2: Challenges and Innovation in P&A

28 May 2024
Technical Session

Session Chairs: Chase Craig, Canadian Natural Resources; Christian Rosnes, Interwell 

As the decommissioning space continues to increase in complexity and the expectation for “everlasting” solutions is upon us, we try to set the scene for you all. By attending this session, you will get insight into how industry proposes decommissioning to be done and understand more about new technology implementation challenges. 
It will also share examples of technology development and deployment through cooperation.


Overview of Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) 27: Wellbore Decommissioning
Leah Davies, Well Abandonment Lead - Imperial Oil;  Shanna Nolan, Soil and Groundwater Program Manager - Shell Canada

Challenges on Using and Applying New Technologies with Focus on “Development Status, Challenges, and Industry Support, or Lack Thereof
Jonathan Heseltine, Senior Research Engineer & Fred Wassmuth, Manager, In-Situ Recovery - InnoTech Alberta

A Tracer-based P&A Barrier Verification Method, Developed through a Joint Industry Project
Bernt Pedersen, CEO - Exedra

Bulk Field Trials Model: Lowering Cost and Increasing Value of Field Trials through Cooperation
Christian Rosnes, P&A Business Development Manager - Interwell

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