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Digital, Data Analytics, and Automation: Value Creation Through Digital E&P

19–20 November 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand

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Digital, Data Analytics, and Automation: Value Creation Through Digital E&P

19–20 November 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand

Technical Sessions

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Session 5: Project Scaling, Deployment and Adoption

20 Nov 2024
Grand Ballroom, Level 3
Technical Sessions

Session Managers: Sirawich Tippawanich, PTTEP; Kanokwan Kullawan, Chevron; Mohamed Ibrahim, Woodside Energy

In the rapidly evolving landscape of our industry, digitalisation projects have emerged as a key driver of value creation. However, moving from innovation to adoption requires proper scaling and deployment of these projects. This session will delve into the journey from innovation to adoption, focusing on the strategies and best practices that can enable project scaling, deployment, and adoption to maximise value creation and will explore how organisations can effectively transition from successful digitalisation experiments to full-scale enterprise deployment.

Key topics will include:

  • Project Scaling: Scaling a project involves more than just increasing its size. It requires careful planning, robust infrastructure, and seamless integration with existing systems. We will explore strategies for successful project scaling, including problem framing, technology scalability, system design, and integration and interoperability.
  • Deployment and Adoption Deployment is only the first step. For a digitalisation project to truly succeed, it must be adopted by the organisation. We will discuss best practices for implementing digital projects in a complex organisation, including change management and organisational readiness, talent and skill development, and governance and compliance.
  • Big Impact Value Creation: We will discuss how digitalisation projects can lead to significant value creation, with a focus on digital projects examples and use cases that have enabled significant value creation through scaling and deployment.

Through this session, attendees will learn from experienced digital and data professionals about how to take digitalisation projects from proof of concept to enterprise deployment and adoption. They will be equipped with valuable insights to help them navigate the complexities, mitigate risks, and maximise the benefits of implementing digitalisation projects at scale within their organisations.

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