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Adaptive Approach in Integrated Reservoir Modelling and
Simulation in the Age of Digitalisation

18–19 September 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Adaptive Approach in Integrated Reservoir Modelling and
Simulation in the Age of Digitalisation

18–19 September 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Featured Presentations

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Featured Presentations

Featured presentations are updated as of 30 September 2024. Additional approved slides by the discussion leaders will be updated on this site by 7 October 2024 (if any). Feel free to revisit the site for further updates.

Session 1: Static Modelling and Reservoir Characterisation 

Optimising Project Delivery: Adaptive Modeling Approach for Efficiency with Limited Resources by Izzuddin Jamaludin, Hibiscus Pertroleum

Static/Dynamic Reservoir Properties from 3D Seismic Volumes using new Technology by Wesley Emery, iRPM Pty. Ltd


Session 3: Cross Disciplinary Integrated Asset Modelling
Integrated Production System Modelling (IPSM) for long-term Production Forecasting and Optimisation for a Deepwater Asset in Malaysia by Shodiq Khoirur Rofieq, Computer Modelling Group Ltd
Session 4: Advanced Modelling Techniques in Reservoir Characterisation
Exploring Amazonas Method as Possibilities to Improve Reservoir Modelling Prediction in a Subsurface Gas Storage Facility by Anton Yurievich Degterev and Mukhriz Mubin, Rock Flow Dynamics

Pore-Network Modelling an Alternative Reservoir Simulator for Characterising Reservoir Behavior and Reservoir Performance by Shahrul Nizam Hassan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Session 6: Embracing the Digital Age: Advancements in Reservoir Modelling and Simulation

Application of Real Time Petrophysics by  via Artificial Intelligence for Open Hole Standalone Screen Completion Strategy in Multi-Stack Reservoirs Field by Muhammad Redha Fadzil, PETRONAS