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SPE Workshop: Mastering the Lifecycle: An Event on Exploration, Drilling, and Completion of Oil & Gas Wells
16–18 July 2024 | New Cairo, Egypt

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SPE Workshop: Mastering the Lifecycle:
An Event on Exploration, Drilling, and Completion of Oil & Gas Wells

16–18 July 2024 | New Cairo, Egypt

Schedule of Events

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SPE Seminar: Drill String Design and Failure Prevention for Improved Drilling Efficiency

16 Jul 2024

The seminar will address the drill string components’ features, functions, pipe identifications, failure mechanisms and drilling practices required to prevent/reduce non-productive times associated with string failures. The seminar will cover two common string failure mechanisms (overload and fatigue failures), causes of the failures, and how to prevent these failures to happen. The drilling assembly selection and design to reduce the failure will be also discussed. “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”; this saying is very relevant to string failure prevention, which means it is easier to take small steps to prevent string failure from happening than dealing with the problem & its consequences once it is established.

Wash out/twist off problem is one of the common drilling problems related to drill string fatigue failures. The drilling practices related to identifying washout, taking the right decision on time and tripping out of hole before the string twist-off will also be addressed during the session. By the end of the seminar, participants will be able to refresh their knowledge about drill string components and features (e.g. BSR, SRF), design methods, failure mechanisms, BHA selection to reduce fatigue failures, and improve drilling efficiency.

Youssef Sallam, Well Engineering Advisor, Instructor and Facilitator
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