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SPE Workshop: Mastering the Lifecycle: An Event on Exploration, Drilling, and Completion of Oil & Gas Wells
16–18 July 2024 | New Cairo, Egypt

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SPE Workshop: Mastering the Lifecycle:
An Event on Exploration, Drilling, and Completion of Oil & Gas Wells

16–18 July 2024 | New Cairo, Egypt


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Hany Shaker

Hany Shaker

General Manager for feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation, Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation

Hany Shaker,  General Manager for feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation at Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation. I have a Master degree in Petroleum Economics. Diploma in Natural Gas Technology from Cairo University. and Diploma in industrial economic.

Member of many committees in the Egyptian Ministry of petroleum, 

Gas pricing comittee

Oil and gas development comittee.

 Bid round evaluation committee. 

Participated in many  economic evaluation studies for Oil and Gas projects and merge proposals.