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SPE Symposium: Drilling Efficiency and Sustainability Through Digital Transformation
3–4 December 2024 | Grand Hyatt, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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  1. 60 mins
  1. 60 mins
    • Panel Session

    In the era of digitalisation, where technology is rapidly transforming our lives and the way we work, it is crucial to recognise the immense value of human talent.  For instance, implementing and maintaining AI-powered systems requires a skilled workforce with expertise in both oil and gas and data science. A selected panel of industry experts will explore the implications and opportunities that arise from the convergence of human capital development and digitalisation.

    By harnessing the power of digitalisation while investing in the development of human capital, our panelist will explain how we can attract, retain, unlock the full potential of individuals, and create a future where technology serves as a catalyst for human progress and smarter workflows.

  1. 80 mins
    • Technical Sessions

    “Operation Automation” is a transformative session delving into the realm of rig automation, a frontier where cutting-edge technology meets the demands of the energy industry. At its core lies the concept of a fully automated rig, where human intervention is minimised, and efficiency is maximised. This session explores the myriad opportunities and challenges presented by rig automation, dissecting the latest breakthroughs through compelling case studies. Drilling Automation takes center stage, showcasing its potential to revolutionise operations. Discussions will span the spectrum of automation levels, from rudimentary tasks to sophisticated operations, emphasising the importance of a "Fit for Purpose" approach tailored to specific needs. Yet, amidst the promises lie barriers and challenges, both technical and operational, that must be surmounted for effective implementation. Reflecting on the journey so far, this session delves into the past and present landscape of drilling automation, offering insights into its evolution and current state. Finally, the gaze extends to the future, where innovation promises even greater strides in efficiency, safety, and sustainability. "Operation Automation" is not merely a session but a roadmap towards a future where technology and ingenuity converge to redefine the very fabric of drilling operations.


    11:10 – 11:30

    Autonomous Journey of Peregrino-C
    Andrew Fabo, SLB

    11:30 – 11:50

    Real world results from automated rig operations
    Alf Fredvik, NOV

    11:50 – 12:10

    A new generation of Advanced Hydraulic Electrical Fully automated rig improves HSE standards and drilling efficiency
    Mohamed Housny, Drillmec

    12:10 – 12:30

    Enhancing Drilling Efficiency, A Machine Learning Approach to Autonomous Real-Time Monitoring and Alerting Solution
    Abdullah Irqsous, Aramco
    Alternate   Stuck Pipe Prevention How Digital Twins Enable Active Monitoring of Drilling Automation Applications
    Alaa Alalawi, Baker Hughes
    Alternate   Autonomous Regulator for Enhanced Drilling Efficiency
    Sayed Ibrahim, Tomax AS
    Alternate   Evaluating and Enhancing Rig Controls Automation through Digital Transformation Efforts
    Sonny Auld, Helmerich & Payne
    Alternate   Automating Processes for Directional Drilling and Real-Time Formation Evaluation for Accurate and Efficient Well Placement
    Mohamed Fouda, Halliburton


  1. 60 mins
  1. 80 mins
    • Technical Sessions

    The evolution of drilling operations performance has seen significant improvements continuously over the last few years. Current and future industry changes with the increase in drilling operations’ complexity and diversity require a strong shift in the way wells are constructed. Starting from remotely collaborating between the rig site and office team to delivering wells safely, efficiently, and cost-competitively. Due to the growth of these activities and the large number of units operated, there has been a challenge in collaboration and decision-making between office and field teams. Drilling operations monitoring and management centers help to overcome main drilling challenges, incident prevention, drive operation efficiency opportunities throughout the full well construction cycle from well pick all the way to well release. Additionally, it enables performance benchmarking and identifies areas of improvement leading to delivering the best in class well delivery.     

    In this session, we would like to share and discuss the experience of using real-time monitoring system empowered with the latest real-time AI and data analytics to achieve unprecedented results by multidisciplinary teams.

    Primary 13:30 – 13:50 Enhancing Drilling Operations Compliance Through Data-Driven Insights and Real-Time Monitoring
    Bayan Zomarah, Aramco
    Primary 13:50 – 14:10 PDO Well Engineering Digital Milestone Through Wells Operations Center for 100 Units
    Jamal Alhinai, Petroleum Development Oman
    Primary 14:10 – 14:30 Next-Gen Drilling Efficiency: Integrating MPD Data with Real-Time Operation Centers
    Mojtaba Alqatari, Weatherford
    Primary 14:30 – 14:50 Artificial Intelligence Impact Prediction and Early Detection Drilling Accidents
    Amel Gammoudi, Afkar Energy
    Alternate   A Digital Platform to Overcome Challenges When Analyzing Real-Time Drilling Performance with Surface Rig Parameters
    Zakaria Maouche, Helmerich & Payne
    Alternate   The Machine Learning Approach to Optimize Drilling Parameters and Increase Mechanical Drilling Speed
    Sohail Rashidi Aghdam, Adaga Solutions
    Alternate   Fully Automated Directional Workflows To Focus On Drilling Performance And Scale Painlessly With Remote Operations
    Marat Zaripov, AIDriller
    Alternate   Revolutionizing Well Construction: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency through Real-Time Data Integration and Remote Operations
    Muhammad Kashif, Petrolink


  1. 40 mins

    ePoster Presentations

      Station 1  Station 2
    14:50 - 15:05 Stuck Pipe Prevention How Digital Twins Enable Active Monitoring of Drilling Automation Applications
    Alaa Alalawi, Baker Hughes
    Evaluating and Enhancing Rig Controls Automation through Digital Transformation Efforts
    Sonny Auld, Helmerich & Payne
    15:05 - 15:20 Improving Drill-Bit Efficiency Through Digital Optimization of a Downhole Regulator
    Sayed Ibrahim, Tomax AS
    Automating Processes for Directional Drilling and Real-Time Formation Evaluation for Accurate and Efficient Well Placement
    Mohamed Fouda, Halliburton
      Station 3 Station 4
    14:50 - 15:05 A Digital Platform to Overcome Challenges When Analyzing Real-Time Drilling Performance with Surface Rig Parameters
    Zakaria Maouche, Helmerich & Payne
    Fully Automated Directional Workflows To Focus On Drilling Performance And Scale Painlessly With Remote Operations
    Marat Zaripov, AIDriller
    15:05 - 15:20 The Machine Learning Approach to Optimize Drilling Parameters and Increase Mechanical Drilling Speed
    Daniil Ignatov, Adaga Solutions
    Revolutionizing Well Construction: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency through Real-Time Data Integration and Remote Operations
    Muhammad Kashif, Petrolink


  1. 80 mins
    • Technical Sessions

    This session will explore novel and innovative digital applications of now-ubiquitous data supply across the whole well delivery lifecycle, from technical and logistical planning, through safe right-first-time construction, to efficient learnings and experience growth.

    Pre-drill - how can AI and other digital solutions fine-tune drilling programs, set accurate budgets, and manage required inventory and resources.

    While drilling - how surface and downhole measurement can predict and pre-empt equipment, geological, and hole condition dysfunction while populating closed-loop automated process control.

    Post-well - how can disparate objective and subjective datasets from static, dynamic, and human sources be collated into sophisticated metrics to drive continuous improvement at scale.

    Primary 15:30 – 15:50 Methods of Using Machine Learning in Target Days Estimation for Improved Efficiency in Drilling Operations
    Beshir Aman, Aramco
    Primary 15:50 – 16:10 Revolutionizing Drilling: Leveraging Cloud-Edge Rig Action Plan Integration for Optimal Well Cycles and Crew Efficiency
    Binu Varghese / Tatiana Borges, Nabors
    Primary 16:10 – 16:30 Towards Efficient Drilling: Leveraging Machine Learning and Data Lakehouse Platform for Unconfined Compressive Strength Prediction
    Farit Rakhmangulov, Halliburton
    Primary 16:30 – 16:50 PAD Multiple Wells Automated Design Using Cloud Based Software
    Mohamed Ali Hassan, Oliasoft


  1. 10 mins
  1. 50 mins
  1. 60 mins
    • Panel Session

    The oil and gas industry is on the cusp of a revolution, thanks to AI and digitalisation technologies. These advancements bring enormous potential for optimising well operations, improving efficiency, and enhancing safety. However, significant challenges need to be tackled for successful implementation which will be addressed in this session, in addition to opportunities by expert panelists in context to well of future.

  1. 30 mins

    ePoster Presentations

      Station 1 Station 2
    09:40 - 09:55 Optimizing Drilling Rig Safety using Video Analytics & AI-powered Behavior Management
    Khaled Shehab, Arabian Drilling
    Enhancing Drilling Operations: Strategies for Reducing Fuel Emissions
    Dario Mavic, Canrig
    09:55 - 10:10 From Baseline to Breakthrough: Comprehensively Decoding Rig Power Solutions for Sustainability and Scalability
    Sonny Auld, Helmerich & Payne
    Optimizing Rig Move Duration Estimation Using Artificial Intelligence
    Abdulrahman Almulhim, Aramco
      Station 3 Station 4
    09:40 - 09:55 Web-Based Automated Well Construction Schedule
    Airat Yarullin, Kazan Federal University
    New Technology to Evaluate Equivalent Circulating Density While Drilling Using Artificial Intelligence
    Mahmoud Elzenary, ARO Drilling


  1. 80 mins
    • Technical Sessions

    In line with every oil and gas company's goals and objectives to create a safe work environment and achieve more sustainable operations, this session will focus on showcasing the current initiatives and technologies companies are applying today to improve drilling operations safety and sustainability.

    The session will also aim to cover different methods on how operators are planning and executing wells in a more sustainable manner such as considering a low carbon technology,  different types of well optimisation technologies that can minimise CO2e emissions, reduce water consumption, and drilling waste release to the environment. Additionally, types of energy efficiency technologies drilling contractors have been adopting such as hybrid power systems, engine energy optimisation technologies, low power equipment, etc will also be discussed.

    In HSE, the focus will be on the new HSE methods, tools, and technologies that has been followed to improve situational awareness and impacts the safe work environment such as implementation of computer vision, wearables, sensors, digital tools, etc.


    10:10 – 10:30

    Synergizing Computer Vision and Human Tracking Technologies for Enhanced Risk Mitigation in Drilling Operations
    Fahd Saghir, Aramco

    10:30 – 10:50

    Engine Monitoring and Performance Optimization
    Wael Akkad, NOV

    10:50 – 11:10

    Driving Sustainability: Tracking Carbon Footprint with Technology Innovations for CO2 Emissions and Diesel Consumption in Rig Operations
    Said Albahri, Weatherford

    11:10 – 11:30

    Application of AI & Edge Computing for Rig Video Intelligence Towards a Safer Drilling Operation
    Abdullah Almana, SLB
    Alternate   Optimizing Drilling Rig Safety using Video Analytics & AI-powered Behavior Management
    Khaled Shehab, Arabian Drilling
    Alternate   From Baseline to Breakthrough: Comprehensively Decoding Rig Power Solutions for Sustainability and Scalability
    Sonny Auld, Helmerich & Payne
    Alternate   Enhancing Drilling Operations: Strategies for Reducing Fuel Emissions
    Dario Mavic, Nabors


  1. 30 mins

    ePoster Presentations

      Station 1 Station 2
    11:30 - 11:45 Enhancing Well Delivery Efficiency Through Advanced Knowledge Management Systems
    Alexander Zherelyev, Halliburton
    Towards Advanced Conversational Drilling Data Analytics - A Natural Language Interface based on Named Entity Recognition
    Basirudin Rachman, Aramco


  1. 80 mins
    • Technical Sessions

    This session is aimed at exploring the most recent and innovative technologies transforming the drilling industry, which includes an in-depth analysis of local cloud solutions for data management in drilling that revolutionises the way data is stored, accessed, and utilised. The session also delves into the necessary infrastructure to host these cutting-edge drilling automation solutions. It offers insights into the application of generative AI in drilling planning, demonstrating how it streamlines the design and execution of drilling and completions operations. The potential of blockchain technology in enhancing security and efficiency within drilling operations is another key focus area. Deployment of AI/ML technologies in drilling and completions operations, showcasing how these advanced tools can optimise processes, enhance productivity, and reduce footage cost are other topics of discussion. Attendees can expect a rich blend of presentations, discussions, and interactive sessions that offer deep insights and practical knowledge of these emerging technologies.

    Primary 12:00 – 12:20 An automated solution for spatial mud weight prediction in presence of overpressure zones
    Nikita Bukhanov, Aramco
    Primary 12:20 – 12:40 Digital Rig Security AI-Powered Surveillance for Enhanced Safety Automation
    Wahid Shaikh, Weatherford
    Primary 12:40 – 13:00 Real-Time Solution For Down Hole Torue Estimation and Drilling Optimization In High Deviated Wells Using Artificial Intelligence
    Mahmoud Elzenary, ARO Drilling 
    Primary 13:00 – 13:20 Expanding the value proposition of automated drilling control; closing the loop with the subsurface
    Alaa Alalawi, Baker Hughes
    Alternate   Optimizing Rig Move Duration Estimation Using Artificial Intelligence
    Abdulrahman Almulhim, Aramco
    Alternate   Web-Based Automated Well Construction Schedule
    Airat Yarullin, Kazan Federal University
    Alternate   New Technology to Evaluate Equivalent Circulating Density While Drilling Using Artificial Intelligence
    Mahmoud Elzenary, ARO Drilling


  1. 60 mins
  1. 80 mins
    • Technical Sessions

    In today’s dynamic oil and gas drilling environment, effective data management is paramount for operational success and efficiency. This technical session delves into the intricacies of drilling data management, exploring innovative technologies, strategies, and best practices to streamline data acquisition, data communication, processing, and utilisation throughout the drilling lifecycle.

    Primary 14:20 – 14:40 Drilling Real-Time data: Embracing WITSML 2.0 for Efficient Real-Time Drilling Data Exchange
    Muzafferuddin Mohammed, Aramco
    Primary 14:40 – 15:00 Optimizing Drilling Data Utilization through Integrated Analytics and Cloud-Based Solutions
    Robert Brock, Scientific Drilling International
    Primary 15:00 – 15:20 AI Generated Reports Provide Rig Site Leaders With Their Most Valuable Resource: Time
    Ryan Davis, Astra Innovations
    Primary 15:20 – 15:40 Integration of Digital Document Data with Real-time Data Stream
    Abdullah Faraj, Baker Hughes
    Alternate   Enhancing Well Delivery Efficiency Through Advanced Knowledge Management Systems
    Alexander Zherelyev, Halliburton
    Alternate   Towards Advanced Conversational Drilling Data Analytics - A Natural Language Interface based on Named Entity Recognition
    Basirudin Rachman, Aramco 


  1. 20 mins

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