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SPE Workshop: Full Life Cycle Management of Produced Water
19–20 November 2024 | Galveston, Texas

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SPE Workshop: Full Life Cycle Management of Produced Water
19–20 November 2024 | Galveston, Texas


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  1. 15 mins
  1. 60 mins

    Produce, Treat, Repeat: Managing the Lifecycle of Produced Water

    John Rogers, National Energy Technology Laboratory
  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Chairs: Michael Hightower,  New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium; Brian Bohm, Apache Corporation

    Water is increasing being a prominent component of ESG related disclosure and corporate efforts in sustainability.  The reduction of fresh water usage as well as impacts to standard industry practices related to water management by regulatory and environmentally driven concerns like seismicity, beneficial reuse along with increase regulatory scrutiny is changing practices.  This session will highlight water related changes in the E&P industry and include reporting case studies, information on seismicity response by industry working groups, and general best practices for our industry on water reporting related to ESG.


    Induced Seismicity and Produced Water Management in the Permian Basin
    Cody Comisky, Chevron     

    Systems Thinking in Water Management: The Dynamic Relationship of Operation and Regulation
    Nate Alleman, Ace Energy Advisors       

    Water Sustainability in the Southwest
    Matthias Sayer, Bradfute Sayer Consulting & Legal Services

  1. 90 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Chairs: Wei Shi, Chevron; Shawn Gao, Shell     

    Reuse of produced water has been an increasingly common practice to support unconventional oil and gas development. Aside from the economic benefits associated with making use of the water produced as a byproduct of oil and gas operations, reusing also reduces both the need for sourcing water (brackish or fresh) from the environment and the volume of produced water that requires disposal. This session intends to discuss both the technological and regulatory evolutions that enable the reuse of produced water for unconventional development, along with the industry’s experiences, lessons learned and best practices.


    Newly Developed Frac Chemicals for Produced Water Reuse: Functional vs. Reservoir Performance           
    Songyuan Liu, Select Water Solution

    Synergies Between Produced Water Recycling for Frac’ing and Beneficial Reuse
    Lisa Henthorne and Javier Casas, Aris Water Solutions

    Waste Source to Resource: The Valorization of Produced Water
    Zacariah Hildenbrand, Infinity Water Solutions

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Chairs: Patricia E. Carreras, Blue Moon Strategies; David Smith, Oilfield Conformance Consulting         

    The focus of this session is to discuss subsurface water control strategies, methods, techniques, or experiences to reduce water production while improving oil recovery and beneficially impacting the disposal/recycling costs and the environment.


    Development and Application of Recrosslinkable Preformed Particle Gels (RPPG) for Conformance Control in the Reservoirs with Fractures or Conduits    
    Bajoun Bai, Missouri Science and Technology   

    Relative Permeability Modifiers – History and Current State     
    Larry Eoff, Halliburton        

    A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Optimize the Value of Water 
    Bulent Izgec, Hess   

  1. 60 mins
  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Chairs:  Shaya Movafaghian, CETCO Energy Services;  Paul Evans, Chevron;  Jinxuan Hu, Select Water Solutions

    A panel of experts will discuss challenges around water injection and disposal of oilfield brines in a wide array of topics ranging from well design, economics of disposal, operational issues to alternatives and regulatory pressures.


    Laura Capper, Energy Makers Advisory Group
    Mark Kidder, ALL Consulting
    Kristie Mclin, ConocoPhillips
    Michael Skarke, Select Water Solutions
    Bill Curry, ExxonMobil

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Chairs: Rick McCurdy, Select Energy Servies; Paul Barbour, Devon Energy

    The interest in the potential to recover some volume of a "clean" water capable of being beneficially used outside of the oil and gas industry continues to increase with several states having formed produced water consortiums focused on verifying this concept. This session will focus on current status of those efforts as well as updated status of one or more field pilots of beneficial reuse technologies.


    Beneficial Reuse: Shedding Light on the "Unknowns"
    Adrianne Lopez , Texas Pacific Water Resources           

    New Mexico Policy in the Making, Produced Water Reuse
    Andrea Felix, New Mexico Oil and Gas Association       

    Lessons Learned from Securing TCEQ TPDES Permits for Desalinated Water          
    John Christiansen, TetraTech

  1. 75 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Chair: Mike Hightower, New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium;  Caleb Bloyd, Chesapeake Energy

    A produced water management technique to reduce produced water disposal include recycling and/or volume reduction.  This session will highlight emerging technologies being developed to enhance produced water evaporation or vaporization from storage ponds or pits without the common environmental, ecological, and operational impacts identified with the use of more traditional evaporation technologies and approaches.


    Salt Dispersion and VOC Emission Control During Surface Evaporation of Produced Water          
    Mark Patton, Hydrozonix    

    Efficacy of Rotary Atomization for Produced Water Evaporation         
    Ed Butler, e3 Solutions       

    Contained Assisted Produced Water Evaporation with Water Recovery         
    Tony Haag, Strongbox Solutions

    Enhanced Evaporation for Induced Seismicity Volume Reduction:  Permian & Delaware Field Case Studies
    Robert Ballantyne, RWI Enhanced Evaporation


  1. 30 mins
  1. 120 mins

    Chairs: Wally Georgie, Max Oil Consultancy; Bulent Izgec, Hess   

    Across the Globe, efforts are underway to move to more carbon-neutral energy sources and to remove existing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through efforts such as carbon capture and underground sequestration (CCUS). This session seeks to explore the water requirements for those efforts from a quantity and quality standpoint and to determine if produced water could be used to offset freshwater needs especially in areas historically prone to regional water stress. Regardless of the technology deployed, if produced water is used, it will be critical to remove hydrocarbons from the produced water prior to treatment and an excellent technology for that aspect will be addressed in this session as well.


    An Operator’s Perspective on System Design and Operation – Exploring Common Issues and Future Considerations
    Graeme Smith, Murphy       

    Optimizing Performance of OiW Analysis by Fluorescence – Lab and Flow Loop Testing
    Simon Ivar Andresen, Technical University of Denmark

    An Integrated Approach to Offshore Produced Water Management     
    Srinivas Valle and Jim Ross, BW Energy  

    GoM Deepwater Produced Water Management Case Study      
    Nan Zhang and Paul Clare, Hess

  1. 15 mins

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