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SPE Workshop: Geomechanics Applications in Unconventional Reservoir Development
15–16 October 2024 | Galveston, Texas

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SPE Workshop: Geomechanics Applications in Unconventional Reservoir Development
15–16 October 2024 | Galveston, Texas


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  1. Grand Ballroom CD
    60 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Brian Crawford, ExxonMobil; Munir Aldin, Metarock Laboratories; Reza Safari, ConocoPhillips

    This session focuses on geomechanics fundamentals of singular importance to the development of unconventional resources. Do the rocks matter or is it all about the completion design? Are we experiencing a paradigm shift where new models better explain subsurface reality? Topics discussed include rock properties, subsurface stresses and stimulation complexity.

    Presentation 1: Geomechanics, A Key Nexus Between Subsurface Energy and Critical Minerals
    Ahmad Ghassemi, University of Oklahoma

    Presentation 2: Improved Prediction of Stress Changes with Depth: A key Step in Optimizing Hydraulic Fracture Design  
    Mark McClure, ResFrac

    Presentation 3: Optimizing CO2 Storage: Experimental Advances in Understanding Rock Mechanics Properties and Fluid Interactions
    Munir Aldin, Metarock Laboratories

  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Seth Busetti, Aramco Americas; Lei Jin, ExxonMobil; Igor Faoro, Stratum Reservoir

    This session focuses on strategies for addressing geomechanics challenges in stimulated rock. Topics cover subsurface characterization of the rock mass pre- and post- stimulation and methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of the stimulation given the challenging geomechanical conditions. Examples include how the SRV interacts with natural fractures, induced seismicity, activation of bedding planes, and the role of mechanical stratigraphy.

    Presentation 1: Unconventional Reservoir Mechanical Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, and Geomechanical Core Characterization Workflow: Case Study from the Uinta Basin
    David Ferrill, Southwest Research Institute

    Presentation 2: Using Geomechanics to Better Understand Induced Seismicity
    Bill Curry, ExxonMobil

    Presentation 3: Examples of Modern Fiber Optic Measurements Useful for Geomechanical Model Verification, Validation and Updating
    Dana Jurick, Neubrex

  1. Grand Ballroom CD
    90 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Kan Wu, Texas A&M University; Kevin Wutherich, DRILL2FRAC

    This session offers a deep dive into the crucial role of geomechanics monitoring in developing unconventional reservoirs, with a focus on insights from distributed fiber optic strain sensing and microseismic data. It highlights how these technologies enhance our understanding of created and effective fracture geometry in unconventional reservoirs, illustrated through case studies from field tests. This exploration underscores the importance of advanced monitoring in optimizing reservoir development.

    Presentation 1: Monitoring for Induced Seismicity
    Shawn Maxwell, Ovintiv

    Presentation 2: Interpretation of Frac Barriers From LF-DAS Data in Vertical Monitoring Well
    Yunhui Tan & Evan Gross, Chevron

    Presentation 3:  Characterizing Pressure Variations Along the Lateral
    Jon Roberts, Devon

  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Mark McClure, ResFrac; Adam Bere, Rockfield

    Numerical simulation incorporates diverse physical processes to help engineers and geoscientists make practical decisions. In this session, we welcome practical case studies and theoretical contributions on the application of numerical simulation to unconventional resources.

    Presentation 1: Fracture Conductivity Workflow for Unconventional Reservoir Development – The HFTSII Case Study
    Jake Li, OXY

    Presentation 2: Optimizing Tapered Perforation Design - Geomechanical Model Calibration and Field Validation
    Nabiel Eldam, Encino Energy

    Presentation 3: Geomechanical Model Validation Through Simulation 
    Shannon Borchardt, SM Energy

  1. Conferee Lounge
    90 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom CD
    60 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Neal Nagel, Oilfield Geomechanics; Oscar Mora, ConocoPhillips

    Likely the most common source of geomechanical changes in the subsurface are a product of the change in effective stresses. Majority of subsurface practitioners in the industry acknowledge that these changes are driven by changes in formation pressures, and in the unpredictable changes of rock fabric that have occurred in the surrounding SRV of an existing hydraulic fractured well. Whether due to production, and associated pressure decline the effective stress changes often drive geomechanical behavior during oilfield operations. This includes effects during injection operations like: creation of microseisms events, fracture asymmetry, as well as during production operations (such as parent-child effects). This session is intended to highlight these issues as well as discuss potential mitigating efforts.

    Presentation 1: Reservoir Stress Path – How Depletion Really Changes In-situ Stresses
    Neal Nagel, OilField Geomechanics

    Presentation 2: Parent-Child Well Development Under Depletion Workflow
    Jack An, BP

    Presentation 3: Eagle Ford Parent Well Frac Hit (Frac Driven Interaction) Impact Characterization, Prediction, and Mitigation
    Yongshe Liu, ConocoPhillips

  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Julie Kowan, BP; Jon Jincai Zhang, Sinopec Tech Houston

    This session focuses on incorporating geomechanics into unconventional reservoir development for reducing drilling and completion risks. We will discuss integrating geomechanics into the workflow and using geomechanics to optimize reservoir development. We will also consider geomechanics risks and mitigation strategies, including pore pressure prediction and wellbore stability techniques. 

    Presentation 1: Casing Deformation, a Silent Killer, How it Does Relate to Geomechanics
    Alberto Casero, BP

    Presentation 2: Well Type and Completion Optimization Using Coupled HF and RE Simulation
    Kaimin Yue & Jack An, BP

    Presentation 3: Underbalanced Drilling: Sensitivity Study and Applications
    Jianyong Pei, Baker Hughes

  1. Grand Ballroom CD
    90 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Karan Dhuldhoya, ConocoPhillips; James Kessler, OXY

    Changes in effective stresses from depletion or injection can have significant impacts on the behavior of the reservoir. Risks associated with compaction, hysteresis, stress path, leakage, fault reactivation, formation breakdown, induced seismicity, and well interference are just a few of the potential consequences of changes in effective stress during production or injection. This session will focus on geomechanical analysis, modeling, monitoring, mitigation, and risk analysis of the dynamic changes to the reservoir as a function of the change in effective stress.

    Presentation 1: The Role of Pore-pressure and Poroelastic Stressing in the Delaware Basin
    Chas Bolton, The University of Texas at Austin Bureau of Economic Geology

    Presentation 2: Geomechanics of Long-Term Water Disposal: What Attributes of an Injection Zone and the Bounding Layers Serve to Contain Reinjected Produced Water
    Abhijit Mitra, Premier Corex

    Presentation 3: Advances in Measuring Effective Fracture Dimensions Using Fiber-Optic Strain Sensing
    Kyle Friehauf, ConocoPhillips

  1. Grand Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
  1. Grand Ballroom AB
    90 mins

    Chairs: Troy Ruths, Petro AI; Kyle Gorynski

    The state of stress is a key factor in well performance but many geomechanical workflows stop at characterization or simulation.  This session will examine how we can extend these key factors of stress into downstream workflows and capital deployment decisions using advanced applications of big data, AI, and large compute, enabling the exploitation of challenging acreage positions and new business development strategies.

    Presentation 1: Physics and Machine-Learning Based Completions Optimization Utilizing Treating Pressures
    Kyle Gorynski

    Presentation 2: A Machine Learning Approach to Basin Scale Inventory Forecasting and Development Planning that Accounts for Complex Well Interactions
    Clark Munger, Vital Energy

    Presentation 3: Remote Sensing for Ground Deformation with O&G Applications
    Dr. Kyle Krueger, ConocoPhillips