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Sustainable Sand Management Control and Solutions -
Balancing Performance, Costs, and Environment

20–21 August 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Sustainable Sand Management Control and Solutions -
Balancing Performance, Costs, and Environment

20–21 August 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Featured Presentations

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Featured Presentations

Featured presentations are updated as of 30 August 2024. Additional approved slides by the discussion leaders will be updated on this site by 5 September 2024 (if any). Feel free to revisit the site for further updates.

Session 2: Economic Primary Sand Control Solutions for High CapEx environment

Fit for Purpose Well Completion Design and Innovative Sand Control Solution: Cost Reduction Strategies for Project Economic Viability by Muhammad Shamir Abdul Rahim and Iffah Garib, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

Application of Improved Gravel Packing Techniques to Reduce Mechanical Skin in Internal Gravel Packs in a Matured Asset by Rohit Bakshi, Brunei Shell Petroleum

A Multi-Pronged and Robust Approach to Deliver Cost-Effective Production Enhancement Activity in Field T, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia by M. Ruzaini Shahrom, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

Evolving Sand Control Selection: Maximising Deepwater Well Cost Efficiency with Stand-Alone Screens by Afiq Abd Hamid and Amir Firdaus Ahmad, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

Screenless Completion Applications Restore Sand-Free Production with Cost-Effective Intervention in La Yuca Field, Colombia by Pedro Saldungaray, CARBO Ceramics Inc.


Session 3: Marginal Field Sand Control Solutions

Well Integrity and Sand Control Management of Very Shallow Perforation Well by Muhammad Nadrul Jamal, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

Smart Fracturing System for Screenless Sand Control Strategy in Cemented Monobore Completions by Muhamad Farhan Suratman, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd


Session 4: Remedial Sand Control Thru-Tubing Solutions / Unlocking Barrels Through Retrofit Sand Control

Performance Analysis of Through-Tubing Sand Screen Application in Malaysia by Ashvin Avalani Chandrakant and Fathin Shalihah Hasnol, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

Use of Erosion-Resistant Mesh Screen to Unlock Reserves in Sand-Producing Slanted Wells: A Case History by Chris Malbrel, TPM Ltd


Session 5: Sustainable Surface Sand Management Solutions

Facilities Sand Impact Assessment: Using Published Correlations for Sand Transport to Identify Focus Areas by Muizz Rabaha, Brunei Shell Petroleum Sdn Bhd


Session 6: Data-Driven Sand Management: Leveraging Digital Efficiency

Analytical Approaches to the Determination of Retained Permeability and Produced Solids for Sand Screen Retention Tests by Stephen Tyson, Universiti Teknologi Brunei

Evaluation of Particle Velocity in Gas Stream Flows Using High-Speed Camera and CFD-DEM Simulation by Muhammad Hazim bin Hamdan, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Low-Cost Numerical Simulation for Sand Screen Retention Test (SRT) Lab by Abdul Adri Bin Haji Wardi, Universiti Teknologi Brunei


Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session

World’s Longest Installation of 9-5/8” Enhanced Single-Trip Multi-Zone Gravel Pack System for 6 Zones in Offshore Malaysia
by Muhamad Farhan Suratman, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

New Developments in Downhole Sand Detection Logging for Better Informed Sand Management Strategies and Improved Well Performance by Alan Muhadjir, GO Well Oilfield Technology FZE

World’s First Successful Installation of 7” Enhanced Single-Trip Multi-Zone Sand Control Technology on High-Angle 5 Zones Well in Offshore Malaysia by Muhammad Sukry Azizi bin Wardi, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

Squeezing Gravel-Pack in Multi-Layers Well with Sanding Cavities in Formation: Simulation, Optimisation, and Case Study
by Zhou Bo, China University of Petroleum (East China)

Analysis of the Effect of Fine Particles and Organisation of the Early Arriving Particles on Experimental Sand Screen Retention Tests by Amila Fashihah, Universiti Teknologi Brunei

Utilising a Hybrid Chemical and Mechanical Approach for Effective Sand Production Mitigation: Successful Field Trial in Malaysia by Nur Anisah and Suzalina, PETRONAS

Accomplishment of Sand Control Performance through Proper Ramp-Up/Down Procedures: A Case Study in Sisi-Nubi Field by Runi Kusumaning Rusdi, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam



SPE Workshop: Sustainable Sand Management Control and Solutions - Balancing Performance, Costs, and Environment