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Sustainable Sand Management Control and Solutions -
Balancing Performance, Costs, and Environment

20–21 August 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Sustainable Sand Management Control and Solutions -
Balancing Performance, Costs, and Environment

20–21 August 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    50 mins
  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    10 mins
  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    30 mins
  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    90 mins
    • Panel Session

    Session Managers: Zurita Johar, PETRONAS; Khairul Azmi Mahadi, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; Suzanna Juyanty Mohd Jeffry, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; Noppanan Nopsiri, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited

    Sand production poses a critical challenge in the oil and gas industry, impacting wellbore integrity, production efficiency, and requiring costly interventions. This panel session will delve into efforts aimed at achieving economical and sustainable sand management.

    Our esteemed panellists, representing various operators and service companies, will engage in a thought-provoking discussion on achieving optimal well performance through sand control solutions. These solutions prioritise not only production delivery but also cost-effectiveness and environmental stewardship. Additionally, the session will explore innovative technologies and best practices that minimise environmental footprint while ensuring sand control reliability and long-term production sustainability. Key areas to be addressed include:

    • Balancing technical and economic considerations when selecting sand control methods.
    • Integrating environmental sustainability principles into holistic sand management throughout the well lifecycle.
    • Sharing case studies that showcase successful implementations of sustainable sand control solutions.
    • Identifying emerging technologies and future trends in sustainable sand control.
  1. Latest Recipe, Level 5
    60 mins
  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    120 mins
    • Technical Session

    Session Managers: Kesavan Govinathan, Dunefront; Farris Bakar, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; Jennie Chin Pui Ling, SLB

    Sand production has always been a long-standing problem in the industry, with a wide array of solutions available to mitigate it. Typically, this is addressed during initial completion by installing mechanical sand control methods, including standalone screen completions and gravel packs applied either below or above fracture pressure. However, in certain environments such as HPHT and deepwater wells, the cost of drilling and completion can be significant, thereby increasing the overall cost of primary sand control. It is imperative to design completions that are fit for purpose to maximise production and prevent sand production, while remaining economical.

    This session will explore all the economically viable primary sand control solutions available in high CapEx environments. We will discuss the methodologies, success stories, failures and best practices from the design and evaluation of both successful and unsuccessful economic completion installations in high CapEx environment. As industry gains more experiences in these environments, new technologies are being developed that allow for the expansion of the operating envelope of primary sand control.

    Discussion Leaders:

    • Fit for Purpose Well Completion Design and Innovative Sand Control Solution: Cost Reduction Strategies for Project Economic Viability

    • by Muhammad Shamir Abdul Rahim and Iffah Garib, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Application of Improved Gravel Packing Techniques to Reduce Mechanical Skin in Internal Gravel Packs in a Matured Asset 
      by Rohit Bakshi, Brunei Shell Petroleum

    • A Multi-Pronged and Robust Approach to Deliver Cost-Effective Production Enhancement Activity in Field T, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
      by M. Ruzaini Shahrom, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Evolving Sand Control Selection: Maximising Deepwater Well Cost Efficiency with Stand-Alone Screens
      by Afiq Abd Hamid and Amir Firdaus Ahmad, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Screenless Completion Applications Restore Sand-Free Production with Cost-Effective Intervention in La Yuca Field, Colombia
      by Pedro Saldungaray, CARBO Ceramics Inc.

  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    60 mins
  2. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    60 mins
    • ePoster Session

    Discussion Leaders: 

    Session 1: 1500 - 1520 hours

    • World’s Longest Installation of 9-5/8” Enhanced Single-Trip Multi-Zone Gravel Pack System for 6 Zones in Offshore Malaysia
      by Muhamad Farhan Suratman, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • New Developments in Downhole Sand Detection Logging for Better Informed Sand Management Strategies and Improved Well Performance
      by Alan Muhadjir, GOWell Oilfield Technology FZE


    Session 2: 1520 - 1540 hours

    • Accomplishment of Sand Control Performance through Proper Ramp-Up/Down Procedures: A Case Study in Sisi-Nubi Field
      by Runi Kusumaning Rusdi, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

    • World’s First Successful Installation of 7” Enhanced Single-Trip Multi-Zone Sand Control Technology on High-Angle 5 Zones Well in Offshore Malaysia
      by Muhammad Sukry Azizi bin Wardi, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd


    Session 3: 1540 - 1600 hours

    • Perforation Spacing Optimisation to Reduce Risks of Excessive Solid Production
      by Ahmadreza Younessi, Baker Hughes

    • Revolutionising Filtration: Unveiling the Impact of Aperture Size on Metal Foam Mechanical Screens in Sand Retention Tests
      by Muhammad Haris Hamdan, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    120 mins
    • Technical Session

    Session Managers: Mohammad Noor Afiq, Brunei Shell Petroleum; Asba Madzidah Abu Bakar, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; Nur Hazrina Kamarul Zaman, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

    Marginal fields pose unique challenges in oil and gas production, particularly with sand control. This session will explore innovative solutions to optimise production and extend the economic life of these fields by managing sand production. Industry experts will present advanced sand control technologies, novel materials, and unconventional techniques such as Slimhole Sand Control, Monobore Completion, and Uphole Recompletion, specifically tailored for marginal fields. Additionally, the session will discuss future trends and emerging technologies in sand control. Attendees will engage in interactive discussions, exchange insights, and explore collaborations to address current and future challenges.

    Discussion Leaders:

    • Well Integrity and Sand Control Management of Very Shallow Perforation Well
      by Muhammad Nadrul Jamal, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

    • Smart Fracturing System for Screenless Sand Control Strategy in Cemented Monobore Completions
      by Muhamad Farhan Suratman, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Enhancing Marginal Brown Field Economics through Innovative Completion Strategies for Cost Efficiency
      by Ahmad Fadhli Bin Ismail, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Innovative Technology for Enhanced Zonal Isolation in Open Hole Gravel Packing: Potential Alternative to Cased Hole Gravel Pack
      by Haji Mohammad Noor Afiq, Brunei Shell Petroleum

    • Erosion Testing and Advances in Sand Control Mesh Screen Design
      by Sharifudin Salahudin, Sutera Energy

  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    120 mins
  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    30 mins
  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    120 mins
    • Technical Session

    Session Managers: Qasman Metussin, Brunei Shell Petroleum; Zulkifli Zin, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; Nur Hanani Zaidil, Shell Malaysia

    Sand production remains a persistent challenge in the oil and gas industry, particularly as more production are coming from aging and mature fields. This issue often arises from primary sand control failure or the onset of sand failure due to reservoir depletion and increasing water production. To address sand production, operators typically handle it at the surface, implement downhole sand control measures, or employ a combination of both strategies. Various downhole remedial solutions are available, including mechanical and chemical methods that can be deployed through existing well completions. Examples include through-tubing sand control, sand consolidation, and agglomeration techniques.

    The objective of these solutions is to minimise sand production with minimal impact on well productivity. Moreover, these solutions must be cost-effective and reliable, avoiding significant downtime due to frequent retreatment or reinstallation. This session will focus on downhole remediation solutions, covering the selection and design processes, execution, and results analysis. Statistical analysis may also be included in cases where numerous installations are available. Sharing of new technologies and case histories, especially those involving failures, is highly encouraged as they are crucial for developing industry best practices in this field.

    Discussion Leaders:

    • Remedial Thru Tubing Sand Screen for Fish-Hook Well
      by Qasman Metussin, Brunei Shell Petroleum

    • Performance Analysis of Through-Tubing Sand Screen Application in Malaysia
      by Ashvin Avalani Chandrakant and Fathin Shalihah Hasnol, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Use of Erosion-Resistant Mesh Screen to Unlock Reserves in Sand-Producing Slanted Wells: A Case History
      by Chris Malbrel, TPM Ltd

    • Maturing Through-Tubing Ceramic-Coated Sand Screen Technology from Idea to Field Deployment
      by Lukas Ochmann, AtkinsRéalis

    • Mean Time to Failure Prediction of Insert Sand Control Screen Based on Large-Scale Erosion Testing
      by Maik Nieuwenhuis, HP Well Screen

  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    30 mins
  2. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    30 mins
    • ePoster Session

    Discussion Leaders:

    Session 4: 1040 - 1100 hours

    • Going Further to The Marginal Potential: Sustaining The Development of Unconsolidated-Sand Reservoirs in Shallow Zone of Tunu Field, Mahakam
      by Adnan Syarafi Ashfahani, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

    • Squeezing Gravel-Pack in Multi-Layers Well with Sanding Cavities in Formation: Simulation, Optimisation, and Case Study
      by Zhou Bo, China University of Petroleum (East China)

  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    120 mins
    • Technical Session

    Session Managers: Addy Yusop, FourPhase AS; Nurafini Hj Md Zaini, Brunei Shell Petroleum; Tham Kah Meng, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

    This session will focus on economically sustainable surface sand management, emphasising innovative topside solutions for managing sand at the surface. As exploration moves into more challenging environments, effective sand production management is critical for maintaining operational integrity, safety, environmental responsibility, and cost-effectiveness. Uncontrolled sand production can lead to equipment damage, safety hazards, production delays, environmental harm, and increased expenses. Therefore, robust holistic management practices are essential to safeguard equipment, enhance safety, maintain production continuity, minimise environmental impact, and optimise economic performance.

    The session will explore how innovative technologies overcome challenges such as limited offshore deck space, cost constraints, and the complexities of sand separation and monitoring. It will highlight cutting-edge solutions, featuring insights from industry experts and real-life case studies, aimed at optimising sand management, reducing environmental impact, and maximising production efficiency through a circular economic approach.

    Discussion Leaders:

    • Predictive Evaluation of Solids Management in Carbonate Gas Wells for Optimised Flow Assurance
      by Nikita Mazurenko, PETRONAS

    • Facilities Sand Impact Assessment: Using Published Correlations for Sand Transport to Identify Focus Areas
      by Muizz Rabaha, Brunei Shell Petroleum Sdn Bhd

    • Emerging Sand Production in Gas-Mature Field: Successful Plan for Mitigating Shortage in Gas Production
      by Fakhrul Amin Bin Arief Shaleh, Hibiscus Malaysia

    • A Triumph of Strategic Execution of Carbonate Solid Management in Brownfield Gas Development
      by Preveen Kumar A/l Rajan and Amirah, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd

    • Alternative Sand Monitoring Solution: How non-intrusive Wireless Sensors help in Congested Late Life Platforms
      by Ahmad Termizi and Mohammad Fa'ezul, Brunei Shell Petroleum

  1. Latest Recipe, Level 5
    60 mins
  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    120 mins
    • Technical Session

    Session Managers: Abbas Khaksar, Baker Hughes; Ertiawati Mappanyompa, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; M Rizwan Rozlan, PETRONAS

    Over the years, the oil and gas industry has accumulated an overwhelming amount of data. With recent advancements in digital efficiency, there has been a clear shift of the industry towards maximising the value from this readily available data. This includes all aspects of sand management across different stages of assets operations and various points along the total production system. It spans from reservoir characterisation and sand production prediction to sand control selection, design and installation, as well as sand production monitoring and handling.

    Examples are abundance, such as the development of advanced analytical and numerical methodologies through machine learning workflows to understand the subsurface characteristics and predict the onset of sand production and sanding rate (sand volume). Digitalisation has streamlined processes like sand screen retention testing to optimise sand control selections and designs. Advanced transient modelling predicts and addresses proppant flowback during sand control installation operation. Additionally, the industry has embraced automated sand monitoring devices and implemented proactive sand erosion and deposition mapping for proactive and preventive measures.

    This session will focus on the various aspects of data-driven holistic sand management strategies employed by multiple asset operators. This includes existing and new emerging engineering tools, software technologies, and workflows that leverage digital efficiency to maximise asset value realisation while safeguarding HSE aspects. 

    Discussion Leaders:

    • A New Workflow for Sand Volume Quantification with Applications in Sand Screen Selection
      by Abbas Khaksar, Baker Hughes

    • Analytical Approaches to the Determination of Retained Permeability and Produced Solids for Sand Screen Retention Tests
      by Stephen Tyson, Universiti Teknologi Brunei

    • Low-Cost Numerical Simulation for Sand Screen Retention Test (SRT) Lab
      by Adri Wardi, Universiti Teknologi Brunei

    • Evaluation of Particle Velocity in Gas Stream Flows Using High-Speed Camera and CFD-DEM Simulation
      by Muhammad Hazim bin Hamdan, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

  1. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    60 mins
  2. Clarke I Foyer, Level 6
    60 mins
    • ePoster Session

    Discussion Leaders:

    Session 5: 1600 - 1620 hours

    • Progressive Sanding Predictions Calibrated with Field Data Used for Sand Management Solutions – A Case Study from Offshore Malaysia
      by Sadegh Asadi, Baker Hughes

    • Analysis of the Effect of Fine Particles and Organisation of the Early Arriving Particles on Experimental Sand Screen Retention Tests
      by Amila Fashihah, Universiti Teknologi Brunei


    Session 6: 1620 - 1640 hours

    • Utilising a Hybrid Chemical and Mechanical Approach for Effective Sand Production Mitigation: Successful Field Trial in Malaysia
      by Nur Anisah and Suzalina, PETRONAS

  1. Clarke I, Level 6
    30 mins