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SPE Workshop: Heating Up Geothermal Innovation and Development in Canada
17–18 September 2024 | Hudson | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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SPE Workshop: Heating Up Geothermal Innovation and Development in Canada
17–18 September 2024 | Hudson | Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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Thinking outside the box when it comes to geothermal energy in Canada involves exploring innovative approaches to harness the Earth's heat for sustainable direct heat and power generation.

Traditionally, geothermal energy has been associated with regions featuring high-temperature reservoirs, but Canada's diverse geological landscape demands a re-evaluation of conventional methods. Embracing cutting-edge technologies, such as enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) or closed-loop systems, could enable tapping into lower-temperature reservoirs, making geothermal energy more accessible across the country. Collaborative efforts between government, industry, and research institutions are crucial for developing customized solutions that address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by Canada's geological makeup.

Establishing a geothermal think tank dedicated to advancing the utilization of geothermal energy is an essential step toward fostering innovation and strategic planning. This specialized forum would bring together experts, researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to collaboratively address the unique challenges associated with geothermal development in the Canadian context.

By facilitating knowledge exchange and promoting cross-sector collaboration, the geothermal think tank becomes a catalyst for transforming theoretical concepts into actionable projects, guiding Canada towards a more sustainable and geothermal-driven energy future.

  • Can geothermal be a good economic alternative to other sources of energy?
  •  What are the limitations of geothermal?
  • What can be done with geothermal beyond electrification?
  • What recent technologies makes geothermal better?
  • Where can geothermal be used?
  • Who is pursuing new geothermal technologies (service companies included)?


New geothermal technologies

Economics of geothermal

Upcoming projects and status updates

Electricity, direct use, geo exchange

Repurposing oil and gas infrastructure for geothermal

Political effects of geothermal and Carbon pricing policies that can  hold back development
Producing heat with O&G as a by product (I’d broaden this a bit to “direct heat applications for geothermal”)



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