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SPE Workshop: Heating Up Geothermal Innovation and Development in Canada
17–18 September 2024 | Hudson | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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SPE Workshop: Heating Up Geothermal Innovation and Development in Canada
17–18 September 2024 | Hudson | Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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  1. 60 mins
  1. 10 mins
  1. 80 mins

    Session Chairs: Sahar Ghannadi, E2E Energy Solutions; Richard Hawker, Remedy Energy Services; Brian Mountain, Mazini Energy; Jeannine Vany, Eavor Technologies; Vlad Zatonski, Eavor Technologies

    Moderator: Roman Shor, Associate Professor - Texas A&M University


    Felix Chiang, Senior Reservoir Engineer - Alberta Energy Regulator

    Scott Hess, Project Manager and Senior Technical Advisor - GLJ

    Emily Smejkal, Fellow Policy Lead - Cascade Institute

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Gord Brasnett, Sproule; George Brindle, Skoki Energy; Debbie Burke, CRIN / BBA Consulting; Mario Martinez, Ormat Technologies

    Geothermal isn't just one thing. It is a spectrum of technologies ranging from ground source heat pumps (or geoexchange systems), aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES), conventional producer-injector well pairs, high enthalpy volcanic systems, co-production of geothermal fluids with hydrocarbons, microgeneration, enhanced or engineered geothermal systems (EGS), and closed-loop advanced geothermal systems (AGS). This session will demystify these acronyms and explore the advantages associated with each type of geothermal technology, helping the audience gain a better understanding of the value of each geothermal tool.


    Geothermal Spectrum, Overview of Technology
    Emily Smejkal, Fellow Policy Lead - Cascade Institute

    The Potential of Shallow Geothermal for Heating and Cooling of Buildings in Cold Climates
    Aggrey Mwesigye, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

    Micro-Electrical Generation with Closed-Looped Geothermal
    Matt Hogg, Founder, - GeoGen


  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Gord Brasnett, Sproule; Jeff Messner, Novus Earth Energy; Vlad Zatonski, Eavor Technologies

    The economics of geothermal energy projects have many dimensions: pricing clean baseload electricity at utility scale, valuing direct-use of zero-carbon heat energy, and integrating carbon credits. Despite high initial costs associated with drilling, well completions, and high CAPEX equipment such as heat exchangers and turbines, geothermal projects in Canada can still be economically viable. This session will investigate geothermal energy’s full value chain and explore pathways and strategies for how these projects can be profitable.


    Geothermal Carbon Credits
    Colin Gendre, VP New Ventures - Intricate 

    Utility Economics
    Trevor McInnis, Co-Founder - Axios Energy Group

    Making Geothermal Technically and Commercially Viable Everywhere
    Sean Marshall, Business Development Manager - SLB New Energy

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Kelly Piers, C-FER Technologies; Ryan Quigg, Weatherford

    This session will feature new technologies recently rolled-out that either increase the coverage or improve efficiency of the development of geothermal resources, whether it be in the drilling / well construction, heat extraction / power generation, or operational maintenance phase of the process.


    Drilling Technologies
    Ryan Quigg, Engineering and Technical Sales Support - Weatherford

    Enhanced Geothermal Well Construction
    Mark Woitt, Well Construction and Workover Advisor 

    Deeper, Hotter, Faster, Cheaper – The Alberta Drilling Accelerator
    Brandt Tracey, Drilling Engineer - Eavor

    Briefing on Project GEODE
    Mahesh Jayaraman, SPE

  1. 90 mins
  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Richard Hawker, Remedy Energy Services; Apostolos Kantzas, University of Calgary; Lisa Mueller, FutEra Power Corp


    Co-Production and Geothermal Energy
    Lisa Mueller, President & CEO - FutEra Power Corp

    Meager Creek, Canada’s Hottest Clean Energy Play
    Richard Hawker, President - Remedy Energy Services 

    Latitude 53 Project & Direct-Use Applications of Geothermal
    Jeff Messner, President & Co-founder - Novus Earth Energy Operations

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: 

    Sahar Ghannadi, E2E Energy Solutions; Jeff Messner, Novus Earth Energy; Lisa Mueller, FutEra Power Corp; Ryan Quigg, Weatherford

    Western Canada should lead the way in geothermal resource production by leveraging its world leading oil and gas best practices and infrastructure. This synergy includes sharing tools, assets, knowledge, personnel, and resources, which accelerates the development and deployment of geothermal technologies. By utilizing the expertise and equipment from the oil and gas sector, Western Canada can efficiently tap into its geothermal potential, driving innovation and sustainability in the energy industry.


    Lessons Learned and High-Value Technologies in Hot Sedimentary Basins
    Floris Veeger, Managing Director - Sproule

    Surface Pressure and Flow Control for Geothermal Applications
    Steven Buchinski, Product Line Manager - Stream-Flo Industries

  1. 60 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Debbie Burke, CRIN / BBA Consulting; Apostolos Kantzas, University of Calgary; Kirsten Marcia, DEEP Earth Energy Production; Vlad Zatonski, Eavor Technologies

    This conference session will delve into the cross-industry innovations driving geothermal development, featuring discussions on re-tooling and training, software adaptations from oil & gas, advanced techniques for identifying geothermal sweet spots, and conventional well design. The session will conclude with a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities in talent transfer between oil & gas and geothermal sectors.


    Well Design and Operations Planning for DEEP’s 30 MW Geothermal Project in Canada
    Dave Brown, Director – Subsurface - Frontier Project Solutions

    Software Adaptations from O&G to Geothermal
    Minh Tran, Geothermal Reservoir Engineer - SLB

    ​​​Identifying Geothermal "Sweet-Spots" Using Pre-stack Inversion and Machine Learning
    Brian Russell, Vice President - GeoSoftware

  1. 30 mins
  1. 90 mins

    Session Chairs: Debbie Burke, CRIN / BBA Consulting; Apostolos Kantzas, University of Calgary; Kirsten Marcia, DEEP Earth Energy Production; Vlad Zatonski, Eavor Technologies

    This conference session will delve into the cross-industry innovations driving geothermal development, featuring discussions on re-tooling and training, software adaptations from oil & gas, advanced techniques for identifying geothermal sweet spots, and conventional well design. The session will conclude with a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities in talent transfer between oil & gas and geothermal sectors.


    Keeping the Wheels Turning
    Brian Crossman, Field Supervisor/Marketing - Independent Well Servicing (IWS)


    Pat Hufnagel-Smith, Partner - Creative Links International


    Dave Brown, Director – Subsurface - Frontier Project Solutions
    Brian Crossman, Field Supervisor/Marketing - Independent Well Servicing (IWS)
    Ashley Drobot, Business Development Manager - DEEP Earth Energy Production
    Logan Hackett, Senior Geochemist/Geologist - GeothermEx 
    Brian Russell, Vice President - GeoSoftware

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