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SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition
12 - 13 Mar 2025 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada
BMO Centre at Stampede Park | Calgary Convention Centre

Special Sessions

Connect with Canada's Dynamic Energy Community

Opening Address by 2026 SPE President 

Wednesday 12 March

08:00 - 08:30 AM | Percheron Ball Room (Level 3)

Jennifer L. Miskimins - 2026 SPE President, Department Head - Petroleum Engineering - Colorado School of Mines

JeJennifer L. Miskimins is a professor and the department head of the petroleum engineering department at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines), where she holds the F.H. Mick Merelli/Coterra Energy Distinguished Department Head Chair.

She has over 30 years of experience in the petroleum industry, starting with Marathon Oil Company as a production engineer. Miskimins began teaching at Mines in 2002 and has held various appointments since then. From 2013–2015, she held a part-time appointment at Mines while working at Barree & Associates. In 2016, she returned full-time to the university.

Miskimins served as the first Completions Technical Director on the SPE International Board of Directors. She was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2010–2011 and 2013–2014. She was awarded the 2014 SPE Completions Optimization and Technology Award, and in 2022, she received the SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty.

Miskimins has served on a variety of conference organizing committees, including chairing the 2023 and 2024 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Conference and Exhibition, and as a technical editor for SPE journals, including serving as the executive editor of Production & Operations for 3 years. She was the editor in chief for the 2019 SPE Monograph update “Hydraulic Fracturing: Fundamentals and Advancements.” Miskimins has served on the AIME Board of Trustees since 2018 as an SPE trustee and was the 2022 AIME president.

Miskimins holds a BS from the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology and MS and PhD degrees from the Colorado School of Mines, all in petroleum engineering.

Opening Keynote -  Growth and Consolidation in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Wednesday 12 March

08:30 - 09:30 AM | Percheron Ball Room (Level 3)

Mike Rose - President & CEO, Tourmaline Oil Corp.

Mike Rose

Mr. Rose has been the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tourmaline since he founded the Company in August 2008. Prior thereto, he was Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Duvernay Oil Corp. (“Duvernay“), a publicly traded oil and gas company (2004-2008). Mr. Rose has more than 38 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and held various exploration and production positions including managing exploration and petroleum engineering research for a large E&P company before founding Berkley Petroleum Corp. (“Berkley“) in 1993. After the sale of Berkley in 2001, Mr. Rose founded Duvernay, which was sold in August 2008 for $5.9 billion.

Mr. Rose was educated at Queen’s University, graduating with an honours degree in Geology. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta and the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists. Among other awards, Mr. Rose is the recipient of the Stanley Slipper Gold Medal from the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (2009).

Keynote Luncheon - What Are You Buying When You Purchase a Fracture Job: From Fundamental Physics to Field Practice

Wednesday 12 March

11:30 - 13:00 PM | Brand Room (Level 2)

Carl Montgomery, Senior Engineer - NSI Technologies

Carl MontgomeryThis lecture was the keynote address for session seven at the 2024 SPE HFTC. The lecture is centered around the basic principles and physics used to properly design and execute a hydraulic fracture design so that it delivers the optimum deliverability and maximizes the NPV of the treatment. 

Carl T. Montgomery is a Senior Engineer with NSI Technologies located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Carl has helped set the standard for well stimulation within the industry and worked with others to pioneer non-conventional techniques for the design and implementation of stimulation of oil and gas wells. He is currently on the scientific advisory committee for the FORGE geothermal project.  He received the SPE Engineer of the Year Award for Drilling and Completions, is a Distinguished Member of the SPE, was awarded the 2009 ConocoPhillips Lifetime Achievement Award and became a member of the Legends of Hydraulic Fracturing group in 2020. He has a BS degree in Biochemistry from Colorado State University and a MS in the same discipline from Ball State University.

Panel - Clearwater Operator Discussion

Thursday 13 March

13:00 - 14:30 PM | Percheron F-G

The Clearwater Formation has become one of Canada's most economic oil plays, recently surpassing 150,000 bbl/d. The four largest producers, responsible for 80% of total production, are now shifting focus from aggressive expansion to production optimization and waterflooding. Meanwhile, the next wave of producers is leveraging insights from early development to explore new Clearwater regions. This panel will begin with an analyst-driven overview of the play, followed by a discussion with emerging operators on their strategies, challenges, and opportunities in this evolving landscape.

Moderator: Jeremy McCrea, Managing Director, Equity Research - BMO Capital Markets

Jay McGilvary, VP Development - Obsidian Energy
Sue Riddell Rose, CEO - Rubellite Energy
Melissa Sandbeck, EVP Engineering - Clear North Energy

Jeremy McCreaJay McGilvarySue Riddle RoseMelissa Sandbeck


Operator Panel - Visions for Success, Adaptation, and the Future of Oil and Gas in Canada


Thursday 13 March

15:00 - 16:30 PM | Percheron F-G

This session brings together a four-person panel of industry professionals to highlight how their past successes and current adaptations put both themselves and their companies on track for the future. Join us to learn more about how leadership, vision, innovation, and technology balance with sustainability and market dynamics in shaping individual careers and corporate success.

Moderator: Graham Hack, Director, Reservoir & Data Sciences - Carbon Alpha

Ian MacGregor, Executive Chair - North West Digital Power
Kelly Prevost, Vice President, Unconventional Development - PETRONAS Canada
Theo van der Werken, COO - Birchcliff Energy

More speaker information is coming soon. 

Ian MacGregor, Executive Chair - North West Digital PowerKelly Prevost, Vice President, Resource Development - PETRONAS CanadaTheo van der Werken, CEO - Birchcliff Energy