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SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition
12 - 13 Mar 2025 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada
BMO Centre at Stampede Park | Calgary Convention Centre

2025 Technical Program

Connect with Canada's Dynamic Energy Community
  1. Percheron F-G
    30 mins

    Welcome Remarks by Conference Co-Chairs

    Nick Tumu - Obsidian Energy & Graham Hack - Carbon Alpha

    Opening Address by Jennifer Miskimins, 2026 SPE President and Department Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Colorado School of Mines


  1. Percheron F-G
    60 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Jodi Anhorn - GLJ, Nick Tumu - Obsidian Energy, Graham Hack - Carbon Alpha

    Keynote Speakers:

    Mike Rose - President & CEO, Tourmaline Oil Corp.

    The Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) remains a critical source of natural gas supply, with growing global demand shaping its future. In his keynote presentation, Mike will share his observations on the current Canadian energy market, highlighting key trends such as natural gas demand, CNG, LNG, gas-to-power, the energy trilemma, and Canada's role in global markets.

  1. Exhibit Floor
    30 mins
    • Poster
    Knowledge Sharing ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consis ...
  1. Percheron F-G
    100 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  2. Percheron H-I
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  3. Brand Room
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  1. Brand Room
    90 mins

    Keynote Speaker: Carl T. Montgomery, Senior Engineer - NSI Technologies

    This lecture was the keynote address for session seven at the 2024 SPE HFTC.  The lecture is centered around the basic principles and physics used to properly design and execute a hydraulic fracture design so that it delivers the optimum deliverability and maximizes the NPV of the treatment. The lecture begins with some history followed by a discussion of the basic physics used to design a frac treatment. This is followed by a section in which the current “Frac Baby Frac” syndrome currently in use by the unconventional shale operators has led to a misunderstanding and misuse of these basic fundamentals. The final section provides some production data that supports the value of a properly engineered fracturing treatment.  The one idea or conclusion that needs to be left with the audience is that Newtonian physics does apply to all stimulation treatments and if proper engineering and execution techniques are followed a dramatic improvement in well economics and productivity can be achieved.

  1. Percheron F-G
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  2. Percheron H-I
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  1. Exhibit Floor
    30 mins
    • Poster
    Knowledge Sharing ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consis ...
  1. Percheron F-G
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
    This session presents examples of how thermal project efficiency can be maximized via brownfield SAGD redevelopment and new technologies for steam generation and heat loss reduction.
  2. Percheron H-I
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  1. Exhibit Floor
    90 mins
  1. Percheron F-G
    90 mins
    • Panel

    Moderator: Jared Wynveen, Executive Vice President - McDaniel

    Brian Hamm, President & CEO - McDaniel
    Stacey McDonald, Corporate Director - Birchcliff Energy and Bonterra Energy 
    Jeremy McCrea, Managing Director, Equity Research - BMO Capital Markets
    Dane Gregoris, Managing Director, Oil & Gas Research - Enverus

  1. Exhibit Floor
    30 mins
    • Poster
    Knowledge Sharing ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consis ...
  1. Percheron F-G
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
    This session contains papers that address current issues in monitoring and forecasting SAGD operations.  They include a laboratory study investigating real-time monitoring of composition profiles of o ...
  2. Percheron H-I
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  3. Brand Room
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  1. Percheron F-G
    90 mins
    • Panel

    Session Chairpersons: Nick Tumu - Obsidian Energy; Chad Lemke - GLJ

    The Clearwater Formation has become one of Canada's most economic oil plays, recently surpassing 150,000 bbl/d. The four largest producers, responsible for 80% of total production, are now shifting focus from aggressive expansion to production optimization and waterflooding. Meanwhile, the next wave of producers is leveraging insights from early development to explore new Clearwater regions. This panel will begin with an analyst-driven overview of the play, followed by a discussion with emerging operators on their strategies, challenges, and opportunities in this evolving landscape.

    Moderator: Jeremy McCrea, Managing Director, Equity Research - BMO Capital Markets
    Jay McGilvary, VP Development - Obsidian Energy
    Sue Riddell Rose, CEO - Rubellite Energy
    Karl Rumpf, Vice President, Exploration and New Ventures - Rubellite Energy
    Melissa Sandbeck, EVP Engineering - Clear North Energy


  2. Percheron H-I
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
    New and improved drilling techniques and well design push the envelopes of technical and commercial feasibility in well construction.  Join us to learn more about advancements in managed pressure dril ...
  3. Brand Room
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter
  1. Exhibit Floor
    30 mins
    • Poster
    Knowledge Sharing ePosters allow one-on-one interactions with presenters and opportunities to study a particular concept at an appropriate level of detail. Subject matter varies, but topics are consis ...
  1. Percheron F-G
    90 mins

    Session Chairpersons: Graham Hack - Carbon Alpha; Nick Tumu - Obsidian Energy

    This session brings together a four-person panel of industry professionals to highlight how their past successes and current adaptations put both themselves and their companies on track for the future. Join us to learn more about how leadership, vision, innovation, and technology balance with sustainability and market dynamics in shaping individual careers and corporate success.

    Moderator: Graham Hack, Director, Reservoir & Data Sciences - Carbon Alpha

    Ian MacGregor, Executive Chair - North West Digital Power
    Kelly Prevost, Vice President, Unconventional Development - PETRONAS Canada
    Theo van der Werken, COO - Birchcliff Energy

  2. Percheron H-I
    90 mins
    • Technical and Invited Presenter


SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition

12 - 13 Mar 2025 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada